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OSP Visual Culture Git Viewer

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Get the code

$ git clone git://


You can check your r

$ sudo gem install sinatra sinatra-contrib grit shotgun bundler json rmagick commander

When running ruby 1.8, in addition:

$ sudo gem install minitest

Linguist-specific install

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cd linguist/
$ sudo bundle install
$ gem build linguist.gemspec
$ sudo gem install linguist-1.0.0.gem


This gem ships with a command-line program, 'visualculture'.

This command allows you to start the Visual Culture web application in three ways:

1) By passing a list of repositories as an argument:
      $ visualculture server "thisgit" "project/thatgit" "an/othergit"
2) By running in a directory containing git repositories:
      $ visualculture server
3)  By running in a directory that itself contains a repository:
      $ visualculture server
The last two options use the same command but respond differently depending if run from within a git repository or not.

Using (old way, deprecate soon)

Use shotgun to serve with auto reload,
specify git repo as argument

From the folder

$ shotgun app.rb "/home/e/osp/"

When running ruby 1.8:

$ shotgun -rubygems app.rb "/home/e/osp/"


- On Ubuntu, with Ruby 1.8 you can get errors like:
Invalid gemspec in [/path/to/gemspec/tilt-1.3.3.gemspec]: invalid date format in specification: "2011-08-25 00:00:00.000000000Z"
You need to update gem, as such:

$ sudo gem install rubygems-update
$ sudo update_rubygems

- If you run into any errors relating to '' missing, the solution is to edit `/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rubypython-0.5.3/lib/rubypython/pythonexec.rb`. Find where @library is assigned and set it manually rather than relying on the `find_python_lib` method. On ArchLinux, this means `@library = "/usr/lib/`. You can also set `@python = "python2"` to remove any further doubts.

- If you receive an error about "missing magic files", re-install charlock_holmes gem: `gem install charlock_holmes -- --with-icu-dir=/usr/share/icu/` (again, the directory in the example is from ArchLinux).

- You need to (re)build the linguist gem as above to add the new mimetypes. At least, on ArchLinux simply copying the files directly into the `/usr/lib/ruby/gem` tree at their respective locations did not work, but re-building and re-installing did.

- On Ubuntu, building the rmagick gem requires you to first "sudo apt-get install libmagick9-dev"

- On Ubuntu, building the Charlock Holmes gem requires you to first "sudo apt-get install libicu-dev", on Fedora "yum install libicu-devel"" 


Viewing Git Repositories with Graphic Designer Files






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