This is a 3D physics simulator that comes with a collection of algorithms, simulations, and tools developed by the Robotics Group for Self-Organization of Control.
Contributing people: Georg Martius (<>), Ralf Der, Frank Hesse, Frank Güttler, Jörn Hoffmann
Former Contributors: Antonia Siegert, Marcel Kretschmann, Dominic Schneider, Claus Stadler
see the project page: and the online help:
We have a docker file in
for installing it on ubuntu (provided by Sebastian Blaes). -
There is also a "one click" installation script kindly provided by Lars Gröber:
Otherwise go for the instructions
It consists of the following directories:
- selforg : controllers together with a small framework for using them, developed in the robotic group yielding at self-organized behavior for various kinds of machines.
- ode_robots : physics simulator based on ODE (Open Dynamics Engine, see This includes robots, obstacles, utilities, stuff for visualization with OSG (OpenSceneGraph, see and so on.
- guilogger : application that coordinates multiple gnuplot windows and allows for an interactive display of data that is sent per pipe from another processes. (will be started from ode_robots)
- matrixvix : application for interactive display of changing matrix and vector data
- configurator : a library implementing a GUI to change the parameters interactively which is otherwise done on the console
- ga_tools : genetic algorithms framework that can be used to together with ode_robots or for independent simulations (not well maintained) program
- opende : directory with a snapshot of the open dynamics engine (release 0.11.1) renamed to ode-dbl in order to avoid conflicts with packaged single precision versions. It contains the capsule-box collision bugfix which is upstream (in svn)