Research in the Applied Ecology Lab focuses on the conservation and management of aquatic resources, particularly within Washington State and along the west coast of North America. Our research spans a diversity of ecosystems, and includes both at-risk and commercially important species. You can find out more about our projects on our lab website.
Using our knowledge and skills to help solve real-world problems.
Better understanding and management of aquatic ecosystems through the integration of data, analysis, and communication.
We are dedicated to providing a welcoming and supportive environment for all people, regardless of their background, identity, appearance, or manner of communication. Our team works in an open science environment, relying on trust and respect to build effective partnerships. We continually strive to improve and expand upon our complimentary skillsets through education and innovation, and we believe strongly in the sharing of knowledge through conversation and writing. If you'd like to learn more about our lab's values, culture, and expectations, please see our lab book.