Expo recently released ExpoAR. Here's the introductory blogpost: https://blog.expo.io/introducing-expo-ar-mobile-augmented-reality-with-javascript-powered-by-arkit-b0d5a02ff23
It contains a walkthrough of half the material we covered in the calhacks workshop.
The sourcecode for the "floating ducks" example in that blog post is here: https://github.com/expo/dire-dire-ducks
In a terminal, navigate to the project's directory and setup the following node libraries:
npm update expo
npm i -S three expo-three
Once you've cloned the repo, you'll also need to navigate to the project's root and do:
npm install
If you don't have npm or know what it is, here's the homepage: https://www.npmjs.com/ On a mac, assuming you have homebrew (https://brew.sh/), you can download npm by running:
brew install npm
If you want to learn more about three.js, the popular 3d graphics library for javascript and WebGL programming, here's the website: https://threejs.org/ It's full of valuable examples and documentation.
If you want to load custom 3d objects from online, you can google for .obj files. This website has lots of good free ones: www.free3d.com You'll need to create a quick (free) account there to download more than one file.
The bear (.obj and .png) from this example came from here: https://free3d.com/3d-model/toon-teddy-bear-57474.html
We're here if you have any questions! Find as at the Expo table in the lofted area above the central tables within the Plaza floor. We'll be there especially in the afternoon Saturday all the way through judging Sunday.
Good luck! We can't wait to see what people make!