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Test Plan

scaryghost edited this page Jun 18, 2011 · 28 revisions

Test Plan

This page contains the test plan for the super zombie mutator and is up to date as of version 1.6. Bolded entries indicate the test has passed, italics are for failed tests, and normal formatting means the test has not been carried out yet. An L denotes that the test has passed local host testing and D is for dedicated server testing.

All specimens

These tests apply to all specimens. They must be applied to sandbox, short, medium, and long games.


  1. Local host testing.

    • Verify specimens are being substituted with their modded counterparts via debug output.

    • Check specimens behave correctly when there are 2+ players present

  2. Dedicated server testing.

    • Verify specimens are not invisible

    • No server and/or client side crashes

    • Ensure that the default specimens are being replaced through debug output

    • Check specimens behave correctly when there are 2+ players present

  3. Configuration settings [L]

    • Verify any specimen not checked in the options menu is not replaced

    • Check that any specimen checked is replaced

    • Verify appropriate log level output is displayed


The crawler is replaced with the shade, which is a faster, meaner crawler


The only tests are the 2 general tests above.


She has been given the same charging melee attack the gorefast possess. A cool down timer has been added so she will not use her quick strikes in rapid succession. The cool down timer was removed in version 1.7.


Use the modified testmap to spawn the modded stalker.

  1. Charging melee [L,D]

    • Continually move away from the stalker. Check that she will catch you and claw you.

  2. Continuous Melee [L]

    • Verify the stalker will continually attack you once in range


His new ability is to always do the charging melee attack. Also, the minimum distance that will trigger his charging speed has been doubled.


Use the KF-Testmap6p and modified testmap for comparisons between the default and modded gorefast

  1. Charging melee [L,D]

    • Move away from charging gorefast. Check that gorefast will execute the charging attack every time.

  2. Agro range [L]

    • Spawn normal gorefast on the testmap and see where he begins to charge. Spawn super gorefast on the new testmap and check that he starts charging much further back.


The fat guy can puke a “wall” now. Before, only the initial frames were dangerous.


  1. Decapitated [L]

    • Bloat should not be puking when decapitated.

  2. Puking [L]

    • Verify that 2 sets of puke pellets spawn.


Her scream when attacking doors can punch through objects, hitting anyone behind the objects that is still within range.


Play on a map with weldable door, like KF-Offices, and sandbox mode to spawn the super siren.

  1. Modded scream [L]

    • Check that scream still hits even if you are behind another object

    • Verify she has a greater draw in effect

    • Ensure that damage dealt behind welded doors is 60% of base damage.


He will now shoot 2 shots in a row before pausing. A change was made to aid aiming at close range and I am not worrying about sloped surfaces since that has always been buggy with husk aiming.


Spawn SuperHusk on the modified testmap and on the stock maps.

  1. Husk projectile [L]

    • Get within attack range and check that he shoots 2 shots before the cool down timer

  2. Husk aiming [L]

    • Get within 1000 Unreal units and check that the husk will always hit the feet whether you are jumping or on the ground.

    • Verify that he will hit your feet at varying distances less than 1000 uu

    • Check that the Husk’s aiming will not be thrown off when he moves to different Z locations throughout a map (i.e. Foundry)


Scrakes can only be stunned once. Their stun can be interrupted if they are hit with a weak attack. The “weak attack” is any attack not powerful enough to stun.


Use modded testmap to spawn super scrake.

  1. Only one stun [L]

    • Stun scrake and wait for stun to wear off. Try to stun again. Verify the scrake keeps moving.

  2. Stun canceling [L]

    • Stun scrake then hit him with weak attack. Check that scrake immediately breaks the stun and starts moving.

    • Stun scrake but hit him multiple times with a stunning blow before hitting with a weak attack. Verify scrake immediately breaks stun.

  3. Stun canceling with rage [L]

    • Stun scrake and hit him again with stunning blows until he is below rage hp. Then, hit scrake with weak attack. Verify scrake immediately breaks stun and now charges at the player.

    • Make the scrake rage, then stun. Verify scrake will rage after stun time ends or through stun canceling.

  4. Attack interrupts [L]

    • Verify that only zerker can interrupt a scrake attack with melee weapons


The big guy has all sorts of new abilities at his disposal now. The rage timer will not reset if the pound loses LOS on his target or tries to dodge a grenade.

For v1.4, the rage timer will not reset if any “hits” from its attack were avoided. In addition, when enraged, if the fleshpound does not deal a minimum amount of damage in the hit, he will re-enter the raged state.


Play on a map with lots of corners and doors, like KF-Offices. Use sandbox mode to spawn the Super FP. Enable debug output to view rage timer count down and other information regarding what state the FP is in.

  1. Timer pause [L,D]

    • Continually run around corners. Verify that rage timer does not reset to a value between 10 and 15 seconds.

    • Pass the FP between multiple targets. Verify timer doesn’t not reset when locking onto the new target.

    • Toss frag at fp when timer is below 10 seconds. Verify the timer did not reset.

  2. Timer reset [L,D]

    • Make the fp attack by welding a door. Verify timer does reset

    • Dodge a “hit” from all 3 attacks. Check that the timer does not reset

    • Get hit by an enraged fp as zerker, armored medic, and whatever other perk. Check that the fp will rage again when hitting the first two and immediately calm down when hitting the last perk.

  3. Rage Condition [L]

    • Hit the fleshpound for 1080 damage, ensure it will rage and the accumulator will not reset until exceeding 1080.


No more lumberjack gang bang and, no more welding in. If surrounded by 3+ people at melee range, instead of dropping down to his knee before healing, he will shoot a rocket at point blank range. While escaping, he will automatically destroy any welded door in his path.


Play on any map with doors and get extra players. Use sandbox mode to get to patriarch quickly.

  1. Welded doors [L]

    • Trap the patriarch in a room and get him to escape. Check that doors are automatically busted down. Can be done solo.

  2. Lumberjacks [D]

    • Surround patriarch with berserkers and do the usual lumberjack gang bang. Verify the patriarch will fire a rocket before running off to heal. Also, verify that he cannot be knocked out of firing the point blank rocket.

  3. Pipebombs [L,D]

    • Set up a pipe bomb pile. Verify the patriarch will shoot the pile.

    • Set up a line of pipes. Check that the patriarch will charge through the pipes if there are players within his line of site. If no one is around, check that he will shoot the pile.

  4. Surprise [L,D]

    • Shoot Patriarch with 2 single fires, 1 double fire, and repeated single fires via the glitch with the hunting shotgun. Verify the check for the people using the auto hunting shotgun glitch does not return false positives.