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scaryghost edited this page Apr 16, 2012 · 27 revisions

This is the wiki for the Super Zombies Mutator. The wiki contains up-to-date news about the mutator's progress and specific information not in the README.


The current release is Super Zombie 1.8.
Upcoming release: None specified

Version 1.8.1 will be submitted for grey listing.

Specimen Changes


  • He will always move when puking.
  • The puking animation will spawn 2 sets of 3 bile pellets.


  • Negates all speed bonuses when hitting the target. The lost speed is regained over 10 seconds
  • Randomized PounceSpeed and MeleeRange to be between the base crawler and shade
  • Increased GroundSpeed and WaterSpeed to be halfway between the base crawler and shade


  • Has the charging melee ability of the gorefast
  • The cool down timer has been removed so she will use her quick strikes in rapid succession.


  • Will always do the charging melee attack.
  • Minimum range to trigger his charge has been doubled to 1400 Unreal units.


  • Her scream will hit through all objects.
  • The damage dealt through welded doors is only 60% of the base damage.
  • The pull in effect is increased 33%.


  • He will randomly fire between two and five consecutive shots before the cool down timer kicks in.
  • Made him more reliable at hitting jumping targets at close range.


  • He can only be stunned (actual stun, not flinch) once.
  • Stun is immediately canceled if he is hit with a weak attack.
  • Only berserkers can interrupt scrake attacks with melee weapons.


  • Breaking LOS or avoiding a frag will only pause the rage timer.
  • If the target dodges any "hits" from a fleshpound attack, the rage timer is not reset.
  • When enraged, if the fleshpound does not deal out a certain amount of damage (i.e. zerker or armored medic), he will rage again.
  • Added second damage accumulator that does not reset until it exceeds 1080 damage. When it does, the fleshpound rages


  • If surrounded by 3 or more people wielding melee weapon when he needs to heal, he will kneel down with an explosion that hurts anyone near him.
  • The Patriarch will automatically destroy any welded door in his path if he is escaping to heal
  • If he takes over 1000 damage in under 10 seconds, the patriarch will charge whoever is within 700 uu of him
  • Deals with pipe bombs more intelligently


The steps I take to make sure the mutator is functioning properly.

Test Plan

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