This repository contains spack recipes for installing Samurai
, a High-Performance Computation mesh library.
Before guietting started, ensure that Spack is intalled on your system. Follow the official Spack documentation for detailed installation instructions.
- Clone this repository Clone the repository to a directory of your choice:
git clone
cd spack_samurai
- Add the repository to Spack Add the repository to your local Spack setup :
spack repo add .
- Explore available options Display information about the Samurai recipe and its configuration options:
spack info samurai
- Install
To install with default options (recommanded), run:
spack install samurai
For advanced users, you can specify build options or dependencies. For example: For example:
spack install samurai +openmp +demos %gcc@14.2
- Load Samurai After installation, load the Samurai module into your environment:
spack load samurai
- Unload Samurai: To unload Samurai module from your environment, use:
spack unload samurai