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All Contributors Postman API MIT Liscence

Backend files for Rate-It Frontend

The Backend Website for API calls is hosted Here

The Frontend Files can be found at Rate-It-Project

Full-Stack Project is hosted at Here

The Postman Documentation can be found Here

Languages and Tools:

express git heroku mongodb postman

The following API calls can be made with this project

GET Requests

  • /browse/leaderboard

It scans the database and an array containing the movieID and the votes casted to that movie in decreasing order is returned.

  • /browse/list?email=<email>

The array of movies nominated by the user with the passed email is returned.

  • /browse/find?email=<email>&id=<movieID>

Returns a boolean value true if the movie is nominated by the passed user or false if the movie isn't nominated by the user.

  • /browse/remove?idu=<email>&idm=<movieID>

Deletes the tuple which has the passed email and movieID.

  • /browse/add?userID=<email>movieID=<movieID>

Pushes the values of movieID and userID into the database.

Setting Up the Project

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Create a .env file using the template .env.template and add values accordingly.


  1. To run the server
    npm start 

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):



Somya S. Singh


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!