Releases: saucepleez/taskt
Releases · saucepleez/taskt
taskt v1.8.2.0
- Fixed task scheduling where enable/disable was throwing null reference exception
Features and Enhancements
- Moved Application Folder Management into Core.Folders with supporting enumerations
- Added ability to move and migrate the root taskt folder
- Added Format Data Command - click here to review numeric formats. Formats supported include the standard .NET format specifiers for numbers and dates.
- Changed Variable Commands to Data Commands to better reflect the group
- Added Json Logging Support
- Added Metrics and Execution tracking and option to disable the feature.
taskt v1.7.0.0
taskt v1.7.0.0
- Fixed Bug where Debug Line executing was not being highlighted properly during execution
- Fixed Bug in IfCommand where IfType was incorrectly referenced (changed If Current Window Is => If Active Window Is)
- Fixed Bug in 'Pause For Execution' where Resume had to be clicked twice to resume execution
- Automation Engine functionality has been moved to Core.AutomationEngine from Background Worker in frmScriptEngine.
- Serialization Saves Script in Proper Case when Saving
- Added [Env.ActiveWindowTitle] system variable which gets the current active window title
- Eliminated 'String Commands' and moved everything to 'Variable Commands' group for simplification
- Added Date Calculation Command for performing Date Calculations (samples and variable support included)
- Added RegEx Extraction Command for extracting text using regex patterns (samples and variable support included)
- Added Text Extraction Command for extracting text before, after and between words (samples and variable support included)
- Replaced Log4Net with SeriLog and SeriLog.Sinks for logging as it is easier to configure and manage
- Updated Core.Logging to reflect and implement the new logging library
- Added Logging for Script Engine Execution to \Logs\ folder
- Added Logging for Socket Engine to \Logs\ folder
- Removed Unused Packages (Log4Net, WebSocketSharp)
taskt v1.5.2.0
Updating to
- Added 'Run Custom Code' Command
- Added Null Check before accessing Socket States (for tasktServer implementations)
- Moved 'Cancel Script' Hotkey to 'Pause/Break'
- Updated Socket Wrapper
- Implemented New Socket Code (for tasktServer implementations)
taskt v1.4.1.0 [OFFICAL-SIGNED]
- Fixed Excel Set Cell Bug (setting incorrect value)
- Added Excel Command > Activate Sheet (activates a sheet by name in the Excel file)
- Added Excel Command > Delete Cell (deletes a specified cell or range)
- Added Excel Command > Delete Row (deletes an entire row by number)
- Added Excel Command > Get Last Row (gets the last used row from a specific column)
- Added Excel Command Icon to new commands
- Added Variable Selector to Number of Times Loop
- Added Variable Support for Number of Times Loop
- Added "Clear Element" Action to Element Command for Web Browser Command (clears an element)
- Added "Clear Element Before Setting Text" option when using "Set Text" Action
Related Issues:
taskt v1.2.2.0 [OFFICAL-SIGNED]
- Added Additional If Scenario - If Web Element Exists
taskt v1.2.1.0 [OFFICAL-SIGNED]
- Enabled Variables for DataGridView
- Added Variable Support for Selenium Actions
- Added option to create missing variables at runtime
- Bugfix for Variable Commands and GridView
- Fixed bug occuring when command images do not exist
- Removed IE Automation, future focus should be on Selenium
- All additional fixes to previously released signed version
taskt v1.2.0.0
Minor Update (build your own from source)
New Robot Icon assets and resources have been added
Additional Settings
taskt v1.1.0.0
Minor Update (build your own from source)
Built-In Updating has been added. taskt-updater.exe is a required dependency for application updates.
- Added taskt-updater project which is compiled and included in taskt project resources. the taskt-updater retrieves and deploys the latest version of taskt. The assembly for the updater is also signed.
- Added 'Check for Updates' to the Settings screen.
taskt v1.0.0.4
Incremental Update (build your own from source)
- Fixed Bug in Screen Recorder - Recording was recording a single key press as multiple key presses
- Changed 'Current Window Name' to 'Active Window Name' for consistency
- If Command - Added 'If File Exists' Functionality
- If Command - Added 'If Folder Exists' Functionality
taskt v1.0.0.3 [OFFICAL-SIGNED]
- Added 'If Window Name Exists' to If Commands to check if a window exists
- Added 'If Current Window Is' to If Commands to check current window name
- Added Move/Copy File Operation
- Added Rename File Operation
- Added Delete File Operation