taskt v1.7.0.0
Fixed Bug where Debug Line executing was not being highlighted properly during execution
Fixed Bug in IfCommand where IfType was incorrectly referenced (changed If Current Window Is => If Active Window Is)
Fixed Bug in 'Pause For Execution' where Resume had to be clicked twice to resume execution
Automation Engine functionality has been moved to Core.AutomationEngine from Background Worker in frmScriptEngine.
Serialization Saves Script in Proper Case when Saving
Added [Env.ActiveWindowTitle] system variable which gets the current active window title
Eliminated 'String Commands' and moved everything to 'Variable Commands' group for simplification
Added Date Calculation Command for performing Date Calculations (samples and variable support included)
Added RegEx Extraction Command for extracting text using regex patterns (samples and variable support included)
Added Text Extraction Command for extracting text before, after and between words (samples and variable support included)
Replaced Log4Net with SeriLog and SeriLog.Sinks for logging as it is easier to configure and manage
Updated Core.Logging to reflect and implement the new logging library
Added Logging for Script Engine Execution to \Logs\ folder
Added Logging for Socket Engine to \Logs\ folder
Removed Unused Packages (Log4Net, WebSocketSharp)
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