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Larry Davis edited this page Oct 1, 2013 · 2 revisions


Space combat death match with sheild recharge.


  • Spawn
    • All players spawn once at a random location facing the moon
  • Shield recharge
    • Players shields gradually recharge up to half-power after they've been hit

Win states

  • Players have a single life, last man standing wins


Two space battle stations happen upon each other and a battle ensues.


  • Each team has a space battle station
  • Each team must launch attacks against the enemy battle station
  • The battle station has a fixed health value that does not replenish
  • Spawn
    • All players spawn on the battle station
    • Respawn time varies based on team balance

Win states

  • A team wins when it destroys the enemy battle station


Team A must launch an attack from their space station and invade Team B's moon.


  • Team A has a space station slowly orbiting a moon
  • Team B has an established moon base


  • Team A must launch air attacks against Team B's moon base
  • Team B must defend against team A's air attacks
  • Team B must launch air attacks against Team A's space station
  • Team A must defend against air attacks on its space station
  • Respawn
    • Ships spawn at space stations
    • Respawn time varies based on team balance

Win states

  • Team A destroys Team B's moon base
  • Team B destroys Team A's space station


Both teams have space stations on opposite sides of a moon and must occupy bases on the moon to win.


  • 5 unaffiliated bases are present on the moon
    • 4 small
    • 1 large
  • Bases are occupied by installing turrets at turret positions on the bases
    • Small bases require 2 turrets
    • Large bases require 4 turrets
  • Turrets
    • Each ship can carry one turret at a time
    • Each ship spawns at the space station with a turret
    • Additional turrets can be picked up by returning to the space station or an occupied base
  • If a turret position at a base is occupied by an enemy turret, the enemy turret must be destroyed first before a new turret can be placed
  • A base can have both enemy and friendly turrets
    • In this case, the base is still unaffiliated and cannot build turrets for either team
  • Respawn
    • Ships spawn at the space stations initially
    • Ships spawn at random small base owned by team
    • Respawn time varies based on team balance

Win states:

  • The large base and at least 2 small bases are occupied completely