Simple python script that converts ardupilot log into csv. You can specify required telemetry values.
Tested with .bin
files, will most probably work with .log
You can even try to specify linux device or comport!
Mission planner telemetry logs are stored in
Documents\Mission Planner\logs
I used as reference on how to work with telemetry log files.
This script is fully typed and tested. This repository has pre-commit hooks setup and and github actions CI, which builds windows .exe
on every commit into main
Always refer to --help
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] -c COL [--skip-n-arms SKIP_N_ARMS] input
positional arguments:
input Input file name.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name. If not set, script will output into stdout.
-c COL, --col COL Specify telemetry columns to output. Format: <Message type>.<Column>. For example: GPS.Lng
--skip-n-arms SKIP_N_ARMS
If there are multiple arm events in the log, skip this number of arms before writing any rows at all. If you setup to log only after autopilot was armed, then first arm event wont be stored in the log.
python -c GPS.Lat -c GPS.Lng "log.bin"
Output GPS Longitude and latitude and airspeed sensor readings
python -c GPS.Lng -c GPS.Lat -c ARSP.Airspeed -o output.csv "2023-09-17 13-34-16.bin"
This snippet I find especially useful
mavlog2csv.exe -c GPS.Lat -c GPS.Lng -c ARSP.Airspeed -c POS.RelHomeAlt -c ATT.Roll -c ATT.Pitch -c ATT.Yaw -c BAT.Volt -c BAT.Cur -c GPS.GCrs -c GPS.VZ -c AETR.Thr -o "C:\Users\Alexander\Desktop\parsed.csv" "C:\Users\Alexander\Documents\Mission Planner\logs\FIXED_WING\1\2023-09-17 13-34-16.bin"
For windows users, this repository offers an all-in-one .exe
. You can download it here.
mavlog2csv.exe --help
pip install pip install
mavlog2csv --help