In order to deploy, you need to perform some steps:
- Create a new workflow file for deploying your app, for example,
- Place the created playbook in your repository for example,
- Set up variables for workflow (see Inputs Variables)
- Create a workflow, configure workflow start triggers (see examles)
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During deployment, ansistrano looks at the current timestamp in runner by executing date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ
. Each new release is placed in a folder with a name consisting of the previously received timestamp.
If everything has been set up properly, after completing the workflow approximately the following structure will be created on the server. Check how the on your server folder structure would look like after one, two and three deployments.
-- /var/www/
|-- current -> /var/www/
|-- releases
| |-- 20100509145325
|-- shared
-- /var/www/
|-- current -> /var/www/
|-- releases
| |-- 20100509150741
| |-- 20100509145325
|-- shared
-- /var/www/
|-- current -> /var/www/
|-- releases
| |-- 20100512131539
| |-- 20100509150741
| |-- 20100509145325
|-- shared
current - The symlink folder that point out to latest release's timestamp that exist in release folder releases - The folder where the releases are saved. This folder will have a few folders depend on how many release we want to keep before the clean up process occured shared - This folder contains shareable files that we can re-used between release. This files should not get into the repository, but are necessary for the work of the Wordpress
In order to rollback, you need to set up the deployment and run the rollback workflow. Workflow, will switch the current folder to the previous release.
- Create a new workflow file for rollback, for example,
- Place the created playbook in your repository for example,
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Before rollback
-- /var/www/
|-- current -> /var/www/
|-- releases
| |-- 20100512131539
| |-- 20100509150741
| |-- 20100509145325
|-- shared
After rollback
-- /var/www/
|-- current -> /var/www/
|-- releases
| |-- 20100509150741
| |-- 20100509145325
|-- shared
Variable | Type | Example | Discription |
host | string | | The address of the server for deploy |
username | string | user | The linux OS username for connect to server via ssh |
environment | string | production | The environment for deploy i.e development, staging, production |
playbook_path | string | ci/ansible/playbook.yaml | The path to the file relative to the repository from which the deployment is made, used in Ansistrano deploy task |
deploy_path | string | ~/deploy | The path to deploy on the remote server |
deploy_repo | string | | The path to deploy on the remote server |
deploy_branch | string | develop | The branch from which the deployment is made |
python_version | number | 3.11.4 | Each python version supports a certain range of ansible versions, so we need to specify the current version of python in order to install the latest version of ansible. |
runner | string | saritasa-rocks-eks | The runner on which workflow is running: ubuntu, macos, windows, etc |
Variable | Discription |
ssh_private_key | The private key for connect to server via ssh |
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This implementation is used in the CEAI-Wordpress project project to deploy Wordpress on shared hosting.
name: Deploy to Bluehost
uses: saritasa-nest/saritasa-github-actions/.github/workflows/ci-wordpress.yaml@v2.4
ENVIRONMENT: production # The Environment for deploy
HOST: # The server for deploy
USER: ${{ vars.SSH_DEPLOY_USER }} # The username for connect to server via ssh
PLAYBOOK_PATH: ci/ansible/ansistrano-deploy.yml # The path to the file relative to the repository from which the deployment is made
DEPLOY_PATH: ~/deploy/ # The path to deploy on the server
DEPLOY_REPO: # The repository for deploy
DEPLOY_BRANCH: develop # The branch for deploy
PYTHON_VERSION: 3.11 # The version of python
RUNNER: saritasa-rocks-eks # The type of github runner
ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: deployment
hosts: all
ansistrano_keep_releases: 10
ansistrano_deploy_from: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../.."
ansistrano_deploy_to: "{{ deploy_path }}"
ansistrano_git_repo: "{{ deploy_repo }}"
ansistrano_git_branch: "{{ deploy_branch }}"
ansistrano_deploy_via: "rsync"
ansistrano_rsync_set_remote_user: yes
ansistrano_git_depth: 1
- wp-content/uploads
- wp-config.php
- .htaccess
- { role: ansistrano.deploy }
number of stored releases default 3
where my local project is (relative or absolute path)
base path to deploy to
location of the git repository
what version of the repository to check out. This can be the full 40-character SHA-1 hash, the literal string HEAD, a branch name, or a tag name
deployment strategy - method used to deliver code. Options are copy, download, git, rsync, rsync_direct, svn, or s3.
allows the use of the module synchronize of ansible. See official docs
additional history truncated to the specified number or revisions
shared folders, usually folders with images or other bulk data
files that should not get into the repository are not necessary for the work of Wordpress
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name: Rollback to Previously release
uses: saritasa-nest/saritasa-github-actions/.github/workflows/ci-wordpress.yaml@v2.4
ENVIRONMENT: production # The Environment for deploy
HOST: # The remote server
USER: ${{ vars.SSH_DEPLOY_USER }} # The username to connect to server via ssh
PLAYBOOK_PATH: ci/ansible/ansistrano-rollback.yml # The path to the file relative to the repository from which the deployment is made
DEPLOY_PATH: ~/deploy/ # The path to deploy on the server
PYTHON_VERSION: 3.11 # The version of python
RUNNER: saritasa-rocks-eks # The type of github runner
ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: rollback
hosts: all
ansistrano_deploy_to: "{{ deploy_path }}"
- { role: ansistrano.rollback }
More information for adnsistrano playbook in official docs
In the process of working with the website, the client can install, change settings and add modules using the Wordpress web interface.
In order for these changes to appear in the repository, it is necessary to commit from the current
folder, i.e. perform the following actions (for the example described above):
cd ~/deploy/current
git add . && \
git commit -m 'Commit message' && \
git push