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Soeren Sonnenburg edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 1 revision

SHOGUN-TOOLBOX Quickstart {#quickstart}

This quickstart assumes that you have access to standard unix/linux tools, cmake and a C/C++ compiler. It may be neccessary to install additional libraries or header files to compile shogun or its interfaces.

Build prerequisites

  • Minimal requirements: standard utils like cmake, gcc/g++/clang, ldd, wget/curl, tar/bzip2, bash, grep, test, sed, cut, awk, ldd, uname, cat, python-2.7
  • Optional libraries to improve performance: lapack3-dev, atlas3-headers, atlas3-base-dev, libeigen3-dev
  • Depending on the enabled interfaces you may need: swig 2, r-base-dev, liboctave-dev, openjdk-6-jdk/openjdk-7-jdk, jblas, jblas-dev, python2.7-dev, python-numpy

Download sources

The following commands will get the prepared shogun source archives. Note that some examples might depend on "shogun-data", which is approximately 250 MB of data to be downloaded. The additional data is not required for shogun itself, so you may skip downloading them.

$ cd "$HOME"
$ wget
$ tar xjf shogun-3.1.1.tar.bz2

$ wget
$ tar xjf shogun-data-0.7.tar.bz2

$ cd shogun-3.1.1
$ rm -rv data/
$ ln -s ../shogun-data-0.7 data

Compile and install SHOGUN-TOOLBOX into home directory

We assume that you want to install shogun in a subdirectory shogun-install of your user home. Installing shogun to system-directories is possible as well, but may require root/sudo privileges.

$ cd "$HOME/shogun-3.1.1"

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/shogun-install" ..

$ make -j5 all
$ make install

Run the examples

Many toy examples on can be found within share/shogun/examples/libshogun. In order to run them, you need to point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of the compiled library. If everything from above was successful, this should work well:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/shogun-install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
$ cd "$HOME/shogun-install/share/shogun/examples/libshogun"
$ chmod +x ./so_multiclass_BMRM && ./so_multiclass_BMRM

You know what you're doing?

A small cheat sheet of available cmake options. This list does not claim to be comprehensive -- it's meant to be a quick reference for those you know what they do.

Enabling modular interfaces

  • -DPythonModular=ON, -DOctaveModular=ON, -DJavaModular=ON,
  • -DPerlModular=ON, -DRubyModular=ON, -DCSharpModular=ON,
  • -DRModular=ON, -DLuaModular=ON

Enabling static interfaces (legacy)

  • -DCmdLineStatic=ON, -DPythonStatic=ON, -DOctaveStatic=ON
  • -DMatlabStatic=ON, -DRStatic=ON

Handy cmake options


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