It's a component library for building UI with ease. It comes with all the common required components for building a site.
Live Preview: XenDesign
To start using the components in your project, you will have to import the library either in your HTML or CSS file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://xendesign.netlify.app/index.css" />
@import url("https://xendesign.netlify.app/index.css");
<script src="https://xendesign.netlify.app/js/index.js" defer></script>
In this component you can see color pallete used
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/color.html
XenDesign has the follwing types of typgoraphy:
- Text Size
- Font Weight
- Text Alignment
- Text Descoration and Style
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/typography.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Alert:
- Simple Dissmisable Alert
- Info Alert
- Success Alert
- Warning Alert
- Error Alert
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/alert.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Avatar with different sizes:
- Circle Avatar
- Square Avatar
- Text Avatar
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/avatar.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Badge:
- Avatar & Icon Badge
- Status Badge
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/badge.html
XenDesign provdes the following types of Button:
- Standard Button
- Rounded Button
- Outlined Button
- Link Button
- Floating Action button
- Button with Badge
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/badge.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Card:
- Standard Card (Vertical)
- Simple Dismissable Card
- Responsive Horizontal Card
- Card with Badge
- Text Overlay Card
- Only Text Card
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/card.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Image:
- Square Image
- Responsive Image
- Rounded Image
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/image.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Input:
- Text Input
- Input with validation style
- Input with Icon
- Text Area
- Custom Radio,Checkbox and Switch
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/input.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Lists:
- Normal Lists
- Horizontal List
- Stacked / Notification Lists
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/list.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Navigation:
- Simple Navigation Bar (Desktop)
- Fixed Navigation Bar (Desktop)
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/navigation.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Modal:
- Simple Modal
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/modal.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Rating:
- Dynamic Rating Bar
- Fixed Rating Bar
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/rating.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Toast:
- Simple Toast
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/toast.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Grid:
- Horizontal Grid system
- Vertical Grid system
- Flexible Grid system
- Utility classes for Grid
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/grid.html
XenDesign provides the following types of Slider:
- Custom Standard Slider
Check it out at: https://xendesign.netlify.app/components/slider.html