Orchestrates the execution of the logic declared in domain
Different application/adapter implementations are using the common/unique domain model.
- State stored System 1 - combines all Deciders from domain module under one
Aggregate root.
- Event-sourced system 1 - combines all Deciders from domain module under one
Aggregate root. FModel
library are used. Axon is pushed to adapter (infra) layer.#SpringBoot
- Event-sourced system 2 - Deciders from domain module are distributed via unique
Aggregates. Saga is used to communicate Aggregates. FModel
library are used. Axon is pushed to adapter (infra) layer.#SpringBoot
- Event-sourced system 3 - Deciders from domain module are distributed via unique
Aggregates. Saga is used to communicate Aggregates. Only FModel
library is used. Application layer aggregates and other components are fully supported by Axon in this case.#SpringBoot