Event sourcing aggregate is using a Decider
from domain module to handle commands and produce new
events. In order to handle the command, aggregate needs to fetch the current state via EventRepository.fetchEvents
suspending function first. All you have to do is to implement this simple method.
New events will be stored via EventRepository.save
suspending function. All you have to do, is to implement this
simple method.
These two functions are producing side effects (persistence), and they are deliberately separated from the decider (
pure domain
In this example we are using Axon Framework as a programming model and Axon Server as a message broker and event store database.
Axon Framework is constrained on the adapter/infra layer only, enabling location transparency and message routing capabilities out of the box.
You can download a ZIP file with AxonServer as a standalone JAR. This will also give you the AxonServer CLI and information on how to run and configure the server.
Alternatively, you can run the following command to start AxonServer in a Docker container:
docker run -d --name axonserver -p 8024:8024 -p 8124:8124 axoniq/axonserver
mvn clean install
cd application/event-sourced-system1/
mvn spring-boot:run
Created with ❤️ by Fraktalio