A dynamic-ui library to generate view based on JSON Schema draft 07
- git clone this repo (remember its cloned path)
- In the Android Studio, Click
->Import Module
(pointing to cloned path in no. 1) - Change gradle to
- Voila, you can test it locally and make changes as well
- Please make sure not to include this library on your repository, better to add it as a git submodule (but this is for advanced git user)
- git clone of course
(your project)$: git submodule update --init --recursive --remote --rebase
- (OPTIONAL if the above step doesn't work)
(your project)$: git submodule foreach git pull --rebase origin <master|develop>
for latest snapshot - make changes inside
and push it to github as separate repository from your main repo - TL;DR: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55570998/3763032 (explain about git submodule is on detached HEAD)