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Introduction To JavaScript

JavaScript Foundations

Objectives / Ujeedooyinka

  • use let, const, var and demonstrate their differences. / Isticmaal let, const, iyo var, waxay ku kala duwanyihiina tus.
  • understand and be able to use arrays. / Fahan oo isticmaal arrays
  • write a basic for loop / while loop. / Qor for loop iyo while loop
  • write control flow using if/else statements. / Qor if/else
  • use function declarations, expressions, and arrow functions and describe their differences. / Isticmaal function hababka kala duwan oon u baranay.
  • and much more / Iyo waxyaabo kaloo badan.


This week you will be working on Javascript fundamentals to practice what you have learned. You will be given prompts to guide you and you should read the prompts carefully.

Toddobaadkan waxaad ka shaqayn doontaa Javascript aasaasiga ah si aad ugu dhaqanto waxaad baratay. Waxaa lagu siin doonaa tilmaamo ku haga oo waa inaad si taxadar leh u akhrido tilmaamaha.

Assignments are outlined in the basics.js, functions.js, arrays.js and objects.js files, please read the instructions carefully for each task and complete it. Note that you may have to use your googling skills to research and look things up if you do not have all the information you need to complete the task.

Howsha lagaa rabo inaa qabato waxay ku jirtaa basics.js, functions.js, arrays.js and objects.js. Fadlan si taxadar leh u akhri tilmaamaha halkaas ku xusan. Waad isticmaali kartaa Google si aad ooga shaqeyso assignment-ga.


Task 1: Set Up The Project With Git

Follow these steps to set up and work on your project:

  • Create a forked copy of this project. / Fork samee
  • Clone your OWN version of the repository (Not Gabi's by mistake!). / Clone ama copy ku samee project-ga.
  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b <firstName-lastName>. / Branch ama laan cusub samee.
  • Implement the project on your newly created <firstName-lastName> branch, committing changes regularly. / Casharka ooga shaqee laanta aad sameysay.
  • Push commits: git push origin <firstName-lastName>. / Isbadal markaa ku sameyso casharka, soo dir adigoo isticmaalayo git push origin <firstName-lastName>.
  • Submit Assignment in the Student Portal / Ha iloobin inaa student portal-ka kusoo dirto.

Task 2: MVP / Waxa ugu yar oo lagaa rabo

Find the basics.js, functions.js, arrays.js and objects.js files and complete the tasks as they're written in there.

File-sha basics.js, functions.js, arrays.js and objects.js hel, kadib ka shaqee.

As you work on your code you should make use of console.log to check your progress and debug.

console.log isticmaal si aad u ogaato inay wax kuu shaqeynayaan.

Task 3: Stretch Goals / Shaqo dheeraad ah - Fadlan ha bilaabin shaqadaan adigoon mida kore dhameynin.

After you have completed the requirements, try any of the following challenges. As always, note that these may require additional research beyond what you learned in this module.

  • See tasks labelled stretch. Please ensure you've completed MVP before you attempt the stretch goals.


🧮 Polya's 4 Step Approach to Problem Solving


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  • JavaScript 97.2%
  • HTML 2.8%