Linux logical volume management (LVM2) state API.
note:: The lvm.conf(5) is indirectly managed via LVM profiles.
Table of Contents
See the full SaltStack Formulas installation and usage instructions.
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file and/or git tag
which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned according to Semantic Versioning.
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- global filter support is important
- test some advanced LV/RAID scenarios
- file systems mngt
Bad configuration causes problems. Sanity check pillar data when troubleshooting "unable to
" state failures.
All Linux distributions supported.
Commit message formatting is significant!!
Please see How to contribute for more details.
Meta-state to run all states in sequence: 'install', 'profiles', 'files', 'pv', 'vg', and 'lv'.
Meta-state to manage lvm profiles in sequence: 'remove', followed by 'create'.
Meta-state to run loopback file device states in sequence: 'remove', followed by 'create'. Included by lvm.pv state.
Meta-state to run physical volume (PV) states in sequence: 'remove', 'change', 'resize', 'move', and finally 'create'.
Meta-state to run all volume group states in sequence: 'cfgbackup', 'import', 'remove', 'change' 'reduce', 'extend', 'split', 'merge', 'rename', 'create', 'export' & 'cfgrestore'.
Meta-state to run all logical volume states in sequence: Order 'remove', 'change', 'reduce', 'extend', 'rename', 'create', 'convert', and 'create' again.
Meta-state to run all clean states provided by this formula.
Install lvm2 package.
Remove custom lvm profile(s):
profiles: remove: - sillyprofile
Create custom lvm profile(s):
lvm: profiles: create: thin-generic-autoextend: activation: thin_pool_autoextend_threshold: 70 thin_pool_autoextend_percent: 20
Remove LVM backing files from the file system.
LVM Loopback HOW-TO support. Creates backing files (in /tmp by defaults) and loopback devices per pillars:
lvm: files: #loopbackdir: /tmp #Where to create backing files? Default is /tmp anyway. remove: - /tmp/testfile1.img - /tmp/testfile2.img create: truncate: #Shrink or extend the size of each FILE to the specified size testfile1.img: options: size: 100M dd: #copy a file, converting and formatting according to the operands testfile2.img: options: if: /dev/urandom bs: 1024 count: 204800 losetup: #set up and control loop devices testfile1.img: testfile2.img: pv: create: /dev/loop0: #hopefully /tmp/testfile1.img (run 'sudo losetup -D' first for certainty) /dev/loop1: #hopefully /tmp/testfile2.img (run 'sudo losetup -D' first for certainty)
Remove physical volumes (PVs):
remove: /dev/sdb: options: verbose: True /dev/sdc: options: debug: True /dev/sdd: /dev/sde: /dev/sdf:
Change attributes of physical volume(s) (PVs):
pv: change: ##Named PV must belong to VG; i.e. PV must be allocatable /dev/sdd: options: addtag: 'goodpvs' deltag: 'badpvs' debug: 1
Resize disk(s) or partition(s) in use by LVM2:
pv: resize: /dev/sdd: options: setphysicalvolumesize: 1G
Move allocated physical extents (PEs) from Source PV to other PV(s):
pv: move: /dev/sdd: dest: /dev/sde options: name: vg00/lv1 noudevsync: True
Initialize disk(s) or partition(s) for use by LVM:
pv: create: /dev/sdb: /dev/sdc: /dev/sdd: /dev/sde: options: override: True dataalignmentoffset: 7s metadatacopies: 1 metadatasize: 40MiB /dev/sdf: options: metadatacopies: 1
Backup the metadata of your volume groups:
vg: cfgbackup: vg00: file: vg00_backup_today options: ignorelockingfailure: True readonly: True
Make volume groups known to the system:
vg: import: i_do_not_exist: options: verbose: True
Remove volume group(s):
vg: remove: vg00: options: noudevsync: True
Change attributes of volume group(s):
vg: change: vg00: options: available: True syncronize: False addtag: 'goodvgs' deltag: 'badvgs'
Remove one or more unused physical volumes from a volume group:
vg: reduce: vg00: devices: - /dev/sdb options: removemissing: True
Add physical volumes to a volume group(s):
vg: extend: vg00: devices: - /dev/sdd options: restoremissing: True
Split volume group(s) into two:
vg: split: vg00: newvg: smallvg devices: - /dev/sdf options: shared: n maxphysicalvolumes: 0 maxlogicalvolumes: 0
Merge two volume groups:
vg: merge: vg00: withvg: vg001
Rename volume group(s):
vg: rename: vg002: newname: vg002old
Create volume group(s):
vg: create: vg00: devices: - /dev/sdb - /dev/sdc options: shared: n maxlogicalvolumes: 0 maxphysicalvolumes: 0 physicalextentsize: 1024 vg_large: devices: - /dev/sdd - /dev/sde - /dev/sdf
Make volume groups unknown to the system:
vg: export: vg_tmp: options: verbose: True commandprofile: command_profile_template
Restore the metadata of VG(s) from text backup files produced by
vg: cfgrestore: vg00: file: vg00_backup_today options: debug: True
Remove LV(s):
lv: remove: lv_pool1: vgname: vg_large lv_pool1_meta: vgname: vg_large lvol0: vgname: vg_large lvol1: vgname: vg_large lvol2: vgname: vg_large lvol3: vgname: vg_large lvol4: vgname: vg_large lvol5: vgname: vg_large lvol6: vgname: vg_large my_raid1: vgname: vg_large options: force: True
Change attributes of logical volume(s):
lv: change: vg00/lv1: options: permission: r activate: n addtag: 'goodlvs' deltag: 'badlvs'
Reduce size of logical volume(s):
lv: reduce: vg00/lv1: options: extents: -2 vg00/lv2: options: size: -20MiB
Extend size of logical volume(s):
lv: extend: vg00/lv1: options: #extents: +100%PVS extents: 2 devices: - /dev/sdf
Rename LV(s):
lv: rename: vg00/lv1: vgname: vg00 newname: lvolvo
Create logical volume(s) in existing volume group(s):
lv: create: lv1: vgname: vg00 size: 200MiB options: addtag: 'Coolvolume' contiguous: y monitor: y lv_stripe1: vgname: vg00 size: 100MiB options: stripes: 2 stripesize: 4096 #On-demand snapshots, workaround: sparse: vgname: vg00 snapshot: True sourcelv: lv1 size: '+10%ORIGIN' options: virtualsize: 200MiB lv2_snap: vgname: vg00 snapshot: True sourcelv: lv2 size: '+10%ORIGIN'
Note:: Thin provisioning needs two create states to run (create, convert, and create).
Change LV type and other utilities:
lv: convert: ##thin pool logical volume vg_large/lv_thinpool1: options: type: thin-pool ##data and metadata LVs in a thin pool are best created on separate physical devices poolmetadata: - lv_pool1_meta - lv_pool1 vg_large/lv_1: options: mirrors: 1 mirrorlog: core devices: - /dev/sdd:0-15 - /dev/sdd:0-15 vg_large/lv_mirror1: options: splitmirrors: 1 name: lv_split regionsize: 512KB background: False interval: 10
Note:: Thin provisioning needs two create states to run (create, convert, and create).
Linux testing is done with kitchen-salt
- Ruby
- Docker
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bin/kitchen test [platform]
Where [platform]
is the platform name defined in kitchen.yml
e.g. debian-9-2019-2-py3
Creates the docker instance and runs the lvm
main state, ready for testing.
Runs the inspec
tests on the actual instance.
Removes the docker instance.
Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. destroy
+ converge
+ verify
+ destroy
Gives you SSH access to the instance for manual testing.