- Featured posts slider
- Masonry grid layout
- Contact form built-in
- Mobile-ready
- Social icons built-in
- Social sharing built-in
- Mailchimp subscription form
- Code Syntax Highlight with Prism.js
- Support for Disqus comments
Table of Contents
- Theme Configuration
- Author configuration
- Social Links
- Site Navigation
- Images
- Local Installation
- Deployment
- Support
The theme configuration options can be found within the _config.yml file. More information about Jekyll configuration can be found in the Jekyll documentation.
- name - the title of your blog, shown in the page and description areas.
- description - the description of your site for tagline, social meta tag, search engines, and feed.xml.
- site_description - the description of your site that will be used in the sidebar section.
- logo - the image for site logo.
- favicon - the icon for your site.
- baseurl - the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog, for generating urls. If baseurl is set, you will need to prepend the baseurl to these settings: author image, site navigation, post images.
- production_url - the base hostname and protocol of your site for where absolute urls are needed.
- disqus - your Disqus shortname. Enter the Disqus shortname here if you wish to have Disqus comments enabled, leave blank to disable comments.
- mailchimp_url - your form action URL for MailChimp newsletter signup form.
- ga_analytics - Google analytics tracking ID.
To set up single or multiple authors got to _data directory (Forma/_data/authors.yml) and edit exmaple information. Afte that you need to add your created author for example author: daniel to the front matter of your post.
To enable social links on your blog simply enter your social profile username, for example, twitter: "justgoodthemes" . If a field is left blank, the social icon will not be shown.
The site navigation can be found in the _config.yml file. To add a page to the site navigation simply add your new page in the markdown format (e.g. newpage.md) in the theme root folder. Next edit your navigation menu located in _config.yml file on line 26. To add a new item to the navigation you have to add the item name and url. For example:
- text: New Page
url: /newpage/
Images for pages are located in the forma/assets/images folder and images for posts are located in the forma/assets/images/posts directory.
Within your blog posts you can include captions for images. This requires using some HTML markup.
The example below illustrates how to include an image with a caption in a blog post:
{% include image-caption.html imageurl="/images/posts/Apple-Watch-In-Car.jpg"
title="Apple Super" caption="supertest" %}
Add the following code into your post/page markdown and change its attributes accordingly.
To have wide images in posts or pages simply add #wide word with the hashtag at the end of image path like in the example below:
{% include image-caption.html imageurl="/images/posts/Apple-Watch-In-Car.jpg#wide"
title="Apple" caption="This is caption" %}
Add the following code into your post/page markdown and change its attributes accordingly.
To align images left or right you have to use #left and #right words with the hashtag at the end of the image path. Please, check the example below:

To set up Jekyll on local machine please follow the official documentation that can be found here -> https://jekyllrb.com/docs/.
Sites built using Jekyll can be deployed in a large number of ways due to the static nature of the generated output. Here are some of the most common ways:
Jekyll generates your static site to the _site directory by default. You can transfer the contents of this directory to almost any hosting provider to get your site live. Here are some manual ways of achieving this:
This theme is prepared to be hosted on Netlify. All you need to do is create a new private repository on GitHub or GitLab. Upload the theme to the repository and link your repo to Netlify. Please check this link with the step by step guidelines.
Most traditional web hosting providers let you upload files to their servers over FTP. To upload a Jekyll site to a web host using FTP, run the jekyll build command and copy the contents of the generated _site folder to the root folder of your hosting account. This is most likely to be the httpdocs or public_html folder on most hosting providers.
If you want to host your site on Amazon S3, you can do so by using the s3_website application. It will push your site to Amazon S3 where it can be served like any web server, dynamically scaling to almost unlimited traffic.
The documentation included provides all the information you need to get started with the theme. However, if you have any questions you can email us at hello@justgoodthemes.com, and we will be happy to help you.
Also, if you have any bug reports, or feature requests, please let us know!