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Tobias Wich edited this page Jul 4, 2013 · 3 revisions

This repo is obsolete!!!

BouncyCastle moved the official repository to github ( This clone is left in tact just in case anybody needs it. This may be because with the move to github, the repository structure has been changed.

What is this?

This git repository is a clone of the bouncycastle CVS repository (

Why are you doing this?

First of all Bouncycastle is a great lib but as most security software it doesn't always implement the most current specifications and standards. We had to extend some parts for another project so this repository can be used as a base for this and further work.

How did you do it?

I used the git-cvsimport utility. The exact command was git cvsimport -v -p -x -d java/crypto

There are no developer names in the commits

I'm no CVS expert, so correct me if I'm wrong. However as I see it, there are no developer names associated with the commits, just the user bouncy.