Created by Christos Sakaridis at Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich.
This is the source code for the fog simulation pipeline that we present in our IJCV article titled Semantic Foggy Scene Understanding with Synthetic Data, which is used to create the Foggy Cityscapes dataset from the original Cityscapes dataset. This pipeline involves computation of a denoised and complete depth map as well as a corresponding transmittance map, the latter being combined with the real clear-weather image to obtain the partially synthetic foggy image.
If you use our fog simulation code in your work, please cite:
- our publication as listed on our website,
- the Cityscapes publication, and
- the SLIC superpixels publication.
Our fog simulation code is made available for non-commercial use under the license agreement which is contained in the license file.
The code has been developed and tested in MATLAB releases 2014a, 2016b and 2017b. We therefore recommend using release 2014a or later. If such a configuration is not possible, using an earlier MATLAB release is the recommended (though not tested) alternative. - C compiler
Users will have to build a binary MEX file for SLIC superpixels themselves in MATLAB (see instructions below), which requires a MATLAB-supported C compiler.
Our fog simulation pipeline makes use of SLIC superpixels, for which the algorithm is implemented in the form of a source MEX file for usage in MATLAB. In short, a C compiler has to be configured with MATLAB and then used to build the binary MEX file for SLIC which is called in the pipeline. This MATLAB doc page can serve as a reference.
- Clone this repository with
git clone
- Make sure a MATLAB-supported C compiler is installed in your system, e.g. gcc for Linux.
- Open MATLAB and type in the Command Window
which will guide you through the process of configuring MATLAB's
mex -setup
command with the compiler from step 2. Once this setup has been completed successfully, issuing the above command for a second time should generate a message similar toFor further details, please consult the mex command documentation.MEX configured to use 'gcc' for C language compilation.
- Assign the MATLAB variable
with the path to the directory into which you have cloned this repository, by issuing in the Command Window something likeFOG_SIMULATION_ROOT = '/home/some_user/fog_simulation-SFSU_synthetic';
- Change MATLAB's current folder to
, e.g. withcd(FOG_SIMULATION_ROOT);
- Build the binary MEX file for SLIC from the respective C source file with
If the build is successful, it will generate a message similar to
cd(fullfile('source', 'external', 'SLIC_mex')); mex slicmex.c;
and a binary MEX fileBuilding with 'gcc'. MEX completed successfully.
will be created in the SLIC source code directory, where extension<ext>
depends on your system (see MATLAB docs for details).
After completing the basic installation, you will be all set to run the demo.
To run the demo in MATLAB, type in the Command Window
cd(fullfile(FOG_SIMULATION_ROOT, 'source'));
The demo runs our fog simulation on an example clear-weather image from Cityscapes and writes the results (synthesized foggy image, estimated transmittance map and depth map) under the directory output/demos/
. The running time for a single image is around 2-3 minutes on an Intel Core i7 machine with 16 GB RAM.
We have tested the demo:
- on Linux 64-bit with gcc and MATLAB releases 2016b and 2017b
- on Windows 64-bit with Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 and MATLAB release 2014a
The results of the demo may differ for MATLAB release 2014a or earlier compared to 2014b or newer, although this difference is generally negligible. The reason is that for the required conversion of the input image to the CIE L*a*b* color space, the recommended MATLAB function rgb2lab
was only introduced in release 2014b, and the alternative implementation for earlier releases produces slightly different values for the output CIE L*a*b* image. We note that for generating our Foggy Cityscapes dataset, we have used rgb2lab
For an easier in-depth experimentation and inspection of our fog simulation pipeline, in particular of its core depth denoising and completion part, we provide an auxiliary demo script where we have "unrolled" the various components of the pipeline to expose them better as a whole. Its functionality is similar to that of the main demo and it can be run with
cd(fullfile(FOG_SIMULATION_ROOT, 'source', 'Depth_processing'));
The Foggy Cityscapes dataset is directly available for download at our dedicated website and at the Cityscapes website. However, for completeness we include in this repository some example code which can serve as a basis for users to reproduce the full-scale fog simulation experiments on Cityscapes for generating Foggy Cityscapes. Prior to running these experiments, the basic installation must be performed and a list of Cityscapes packages must be downloaded.
Download from the Cityscapes website the following packages:
After unzipping these packages, you have to ensure that the extracted files obey a certain directory structure. We will denote the root directory for Cityscapes into which you have put these packages by
. The required directory structure is as follows:CITYSCAPES_ROOT
The lower levels of the directory structure correspond to city directories and files therein (e.g.
) and are omitted above for brevity. -
Create a symbolic link to
in thedata/
directory of the repository and name itCityscapes
. In Linux, supposing thatFOG_SIMULATION_ROOT
points to the directory into which you have cloned this repository, this can be performed withcd ${FOG_SIMULATION_ROOT}/data ln -s ${CITYSCAPES_ROOT} Cityscapes
Open MATLAB. Change its current folder to the experiments directory of the cloned repository with
cd(FOG_SIMULATION_ROOT); cd(fullfile('source', 'Fog_simulation', 'Experiments'));
Run the experiment for generating Foggy Cityscapes-refined by issuing in the Command Window
This should create the directory
and populate it with synthetic foggy images inleftImg8bit_trainval_refined_stereogf_beta_0.01_foggy
as well as corresponding estimated transmittance maps inleftImg8bit_trainval_refined_stereogf_beta_0.01_transmittance
and depth maps indepth_stereoscopic_trainval_refined
. Note: the results of this experiment will occupy around 6 GB of disk space.
Foggy Cityscapes-refined is based on a refined list of 550 Cityscapes images (498train
plus 52val
) that yield high-quality synthetic foggy images; details are given in our publication.
The above experiment in step 4 uses a single thread and thus runs for around one day on an Intel Core i7 machine with 16 GB RAM and MATLAB 2017b. However, the implementation of the core MATLAB function Fog_simulation_Cityscapes.m
of our fog simulation experiments allows parallel execution of the experiment. To this end, we provide a few example bash
scripts in the experiments directory which launch experiments on a Grid Engine cluster for faster execution. These scripts along with the singled-threaded MATLAB script can be consulted for creating a user-specific script for parallel execution depending on the features of the user's system.
To run our fog simulation on the train_extra
split of Cityscapes and generate the 19997 images of Foggy Cityscapes-coarse, the packages
must first be downloaded from the Cityscapes website. Make sure that the extracted directories obey the aforementioned structure, for example
Our example bash
script for Grid Engine can again serve as a basis for configuring and launching the corresponding experiment on the user's system.
- M. Cordts, M. Omran, S. Ramos, T. Rehfeld, M. Enzweiler, R. Benenson, U. Franke, S. Roth, and B. Schiele: The Cityscapes Dataset for Semantic Urban Scene Understanding. In CVPR (2016).
- L. Wang, H. Jin, R. Yang, and M. Gong: Stereoscopic Inpainting: Joint Color and Depth Completion from Stereo Images. In CVPR (2008).
- R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, and S. Süsstrunk: SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Methods. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34(11), 2274-2282 (2012).
- K. He, J. Sun, and X. Tang: Guided Image Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 35(6), 1397–1409 (2013).
- K. He, J. Sun, and X. Tang: Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 33(12), 2341–2353 (2011).
- K. Tang, J. Yang, and J. Wang: Investigating Haze-Relevant Features in a Learning Framework for Image Dehazing. In CVPR (2014).
Christos Sakaridis