PySys is a powerful cross-platform framework for writing great system/integration tests.
It provides a comprehensive package of methods to make all the common system/integration testing operations a breeze, with all the flexibility and power of the Python language at your fingertips. PySys is a framework that gives you a single unified way to control the selection, ordering and reporting of every type of test including system correctness, performance, soak/robustness testing, unit testing and manual testing.
Whatever language the application you're testing is written in, and whatever platforms it needs to run on, PySys can help!
Key features include:
A comprehensive library of assertion methods appropriate for system-level testing, such as checking for error/success messages in log files and comparing the contents of output files.
A comprehensive library of methods to automate platform-independent process starting, orchestration, and cleanup, for both Windows and Unix-based systems. Includes common operations such as:
- dynamically picking a free TCP/IP port,
- waiting until a server is running on a specified port,
- waiting until a file contains a specified message,
- powerful primitives for pre-processing text files (e.g. configuration input files, or output logs)
- aborting early with a clear failure messages if an error is detected in a log file
Support for executing tests in parallel to significantly speed up execution time, with a flexible mechanism for controlling execution order.
Ability to cycle a test many times (and in parallel) to reproduce rare race conditions.
Support for executing the same test in several modes during your test run (for example against different web browsers, databases, etc).
A process memory monitoring framework to check for memory leaks when soak testing your application.
A performance monitoring framework for recording and aggregating latency, throughput and other performance metrics.
A pluggable "writers" framework for recording test outcomes in any format, including a standard JUnit-compatible XML results writer and output archiver in the box, and support for running tests under CI providers such as GitHub(R) Actions and Travis CI(R).
Integrated support for running PyUnit tests and doctests, in case your application is also written in Python.
Integrated support for executing manual/interactively driven test cases.
Test categorization and selective include/exclude execution, using per-test classification groups.
Support for Windows, Linux, macOS and Solaris.
PySys was created by Moray Grieve. The current maintainer is Ben Spiller. This is a community project so we welcome your contributions, whether enhancement issues or GitHub pull requests!
- Documentation:
- Stack Overflow tag for questions:
- Bug/enhancement issue tracker:
- Source repository and sample projects:
PySys can be installed into Python 3.8 (recommended), 3.5/3.6/3.7 or Python 2.7 (though note that Python 2.7 itself is out of support from the Python team so is not recommended).
The best way to install PySys is using the standard pip
installer which
downloads and install the binary package for the current PySys
release, by executing:
> python -m pip install PySys
Alternatively, you can download the binary .whl
package from and use
python -m pip install PySys-<VERSION>.whl
Make sure you have an up-to-date pip using python -m pip install --upgrade pip
See for
more information about using pip
On Windows, pip will automatically install the pywin32 and colorama libraries that PySys depends upon.
The executable launcher script
is installed into the Scripts\
directory of the Python installation, e.g. c:\Python\Scripts\
To allow easy invocation of PySys from any test directory you may wish to add
the Scripts directory to your PATH
or copy the script to a location that is
already on PATH
. Alternatively you can run PySys using python -m pysys
The executable launcher script
is installed into Python's binary
directory, e.g. /usr/local/bin
, and hence should be on the current user's
automatically; if not, just add it. Alternatively you can run PySys
using python -m pysys
Those wishing to use the manual tester should ensure they have installed the tcl/tk libraries on the host machine and are using a Python version that was compiled with tcl/tk support.
After installation, to see the available options to the script use:
> --help
The script has four main commands:
to create your top-level testing project configuration file,make
to create individual testcases,run
to execute them, andclean
to delete testcase output after execution.
For detailed information, see the --help
command line.
To get started, create a new directory to hold your tests. Then run the
command from that directory to add a pysysproject.xml
file which will hold default settings your all your tests:
> mkdir test > cd test > makeproject
Then to create your first test, run:
> make MyApplication_001
This will create a MyApplication_001
subdirectory with a pysystest.xml
file holding metadata about the test such as its title, and a
where you can add the logic to execute
your test, and to validate
the results are as expected.
To run your testcases, simply execute:
> run
To give a flavour for what's possible, here's a system test for checking the behaviour of a server application, which shows of the most common PySys methods:
class PySysTest(pysys.basetest.BaseTest):
""" This is a system test for a server process called MyServer. It checks that the server can be started and
respond to basic requests. """
def execute(self):
# Ask PySys to allocate a free TCP port to start the server on (this allows running many tests in
# parallel without clashes)
serverPort = self.getNextAvailableTCPPort()
# A common system testing task is pre-processing a file, for example to substitute in required
# testing parameters
self.copy(self.input+'/myserverconfig.json', self.output+'/', mappers=[
lambda line: line.replace('@SERVER_PORT@', str(serverPort)),
# Start the server application we're testing (as a background process)
# self.project provides access to properties in pysysproject.xml, such as appHome which is the
# location of the application we're testing
server = self.startProcess(
command = self.project.appHome+'/my_server.%s'%('bat' if IS_WINDOWS else 'sh'),
arguments = ['--configfile', self.output+'/myserverconfig.json', ],
environs = self.createEnvirons(addToExePath=os.path.dirname(PYTHON_EXE)),
stdouterr = 'my_server', displayName = 'my_server<port %s>'%serverPort, background = True,
# Wait for the server to start by polling for a grep regular expression. The errorExpr/process
# arguments ensure we abort with a really informative message if the server fails to start
self.waitForGrep('my_server.out', 'Started MyServer .*on port .*', errorExpr=[' (ERROR|FATAL) '], process=server)
# Run a test tool (in this case, written in Python) from this test's Input/ directory.
self.startPython([self.input+'/', f'http://localhost:{serverPort}/data/myfile.json'],
def validate(self):
# This method is called after execute() to perform validation of the results by checking the
# contents of files in the test's output directory. Note that during test development you can
# re-run validate() without waiting for a full execute() run using "pysys run --validateOnly".
# It's good practice to check for unexpected errors and warnings so they don't go unnoticed
self.assertGrep('my_server.out', ' (ERROR|FATAL|WARN) .*', contains=False)
self.assertThat('message == expected',
expected="Hello world!",
If you're curious about any of the functionality demonstrated above, there's lots of helpful information on these methods and further examples in the documentation:
- pysys.basetest.BaseTest.getNextAvailableTCPPort()
- pysys.basetest.BaseTest.copy()
- pysys.basetest.BaseTest.startProcess() (+ pysys.basetest.BaseTest.createEnvirons() and pysys.basetest.BaseTest.startPython())
- pysys.basetest.BaseTest.waitForGrep()
- pysys.basetest.BaseTest.assertGrep()
- pysys.basetest.BaseTest.assertThat()
- pysys.basetest.BaseTest.logFileContents()
Now take a look at pysys.basetest to begin exploring more of the powerful functionality
PySys provides to help you implement your own
system tests.
The sample projects under are a great starting point for learning more about PySys, and for creating your first project.
PySys System Test Framework
Copyright (C) 2006-2020 M.B. Grieve
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.