Data and script for analyzing ionizing radiation tumorigenesis outside low-earth orbit. The results are presented in Huang et al., (2019).
The main directory. Houses our primary R scripts for analysis, licensing information, git integration, and important subfolders.
The primary scripts, in order of development, are: dataAndInfo.R
, synergyTheory.R
, monteCarlo.R
, plots.R
, and supplementPlots.R
Data files, strictly in CSV format.
Paper drafts, supplementary materials, and writing materials.
Scripts for indirectly related analyses, ideas, and experiments.
Meeting minutes, example scripts for various procedures, past agendas, and past papers.
# Copyright: (C) 2017-2018 Sachs Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program
# This program and its accompanying materials are distributed
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.
# Project: NASAmouseHG
# Purpose: Data and script concerning synergy theory for murine Harderian
# gland tumorigenesis after irradiation by mixtures of ionized,
# high-energy, atomic nuclei.
# Contact: Rainer K. Sachs
# Website:
# Mod history: 22 Jun 2018
# Attribution: These R scripts and related files were developed at
# UC Berkeley 2017-18. An early version was written by
# Dae Woong Ham Summer 2017. Additions, corrections, changes,
# quality control, and major reorganization by Edward G. Huang,
# Yimin Lin, Mark Ebert, Yunzhi Zhang and Ray Sachs,
# UCB Fall 2017 - Summer 2018.
# NASAmouseHG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NASAmouseHG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NASAmouseHG. If not, see <>.
# ".93Alp" = Alpen et al. "Tumorigenic potential of high-Z, high-LET charged-
# particle radiations." Rad Res 136:382-391 (1993)
# ".94Alp" = Alpen et al. "Fluence-based relative biological effectiveness for
# charged particle carcinogenesis in mouse Harderian
# gland." Adv Space Res 14(10): 573-581. (1994).
# "16Chang" = Chang et al. "Harderian Gland Tumorigenesis: Low-Dose and LET
# Response." Radiat Res 185(5): 449-460. (2016).
# "16Srn" = Siranart et al. "Mixed Beam Murine Harderian Gland Tumorigenesis:
# Predicted Dose-Effect Relationships if neither
# Synergism nor Antagonism Occurs."
# Radiat Res 186(6): 577-591 (2016).
# "17Cuc" = Cucinotta & Cacao. "Non-Targeted Effects Models Predict
# Significantly Higher Mars Mission Cancer Risk
# than Targeted Effects Models."
# Sci Rep 7(1): 1832. (2017). PMC5431989
# "HZE" = High atomic number and energy
# "LET" = Linear energy transfer
# "NTE" = Non-targeted effects
# "TE" = Targeted effects
# "DER" = Dose-effect Relation(ship)
# "SEA" = Simple Effect Additivity
# "IEA" = Incremental Effect Additivity
# "cGy" = Centigray