Minecraft Mod for Forge (Minecraft 1.12.1 - Forge Mdk
It adds command like "Copy/Paste/Replace/Save/Load/Clear"
Most of the bellow commands need that you select an area. To select an area you need to select two blocks.
To select a block you have two options:
* Place a torch
* Or break a block with a torch (the block will not disappear, only the selection will occur)
Do it two times and a 3D area is selected even if you see nothing except in the chat.
Then open the chat (press 'T') and type one of the following commands (they all start with a dot):
**Command List**
.torch : Add 64 torches to the player inventory. ex: .torch
.box : Create a box around the selected area with block held in the main hand. ex: .box
.clear : Replace the selected area by air. ex: .clear
.copy : Copy the selected area in the clipboard. ex: .copy
.day : Change time to day time. ex: .day
.delete : Delete the saved areas. ex: .delete my-house
.expand : Expand the selected area. ex: .expand y 50
.fill : Fill the selected area with block held in the main hand. ex: .fill
.help : Display this help. ex: .help
.list : List the saved areas. ex: .list
.load : Load the saved area from a file to clipboard and paste it. ex: .load my-house
.merge : Expand the selected area by using more than the two last selected point. ex: .merge 3
.mirror : Mirror the copied area in the clipboard. ex: .mirror
.nowater : Remove the water in the selected area. ex: .nowater
.paste : Paste the copied area from the clipboard. ex: .paste
.r : Redo the last undone block command. ex: .r
.rec : Create a rectangle around the selected area with block held in the main hand. ex: .rec
.replace : Replace blocks in the selected area that match the one held in the off hand by the one held main hand. ex: .replace
.rot : Rotate clockwise the copied area in the clipboard. ex: .rot
.save : Save the selected area in the clipboard and a file. ex: .save my-house
.shift : Shift the previously selected position by a value. ex: .shift x 2
.shrink : Shrink the selected area. ex: .shrink x 3
.u : Undo the last block command. ex: .u
.wall : Create a wall around the selected area with block held in the main hand. ex .wall
To use Forge you need java and gradle. But I will not explain how to install them, ask google for that. Usually it's better to install the latest version. (currently I have 'java 1.8.0_144' and 'gradle 3.4')
This mod has been created with a specific version of Forge. If you don't yet have forge, it's safer to download the same version.
Open the page http://files.minecraftforge.net/ .
Scroll to the "All Versions" table.
For the version click on the Mdk link.
(then an ugly advertising page appears, you have to click on "SKIP" in the upper right corner)
Save the file forge-1.12.1-
and unzip it anywhere, we will call this folder the Forge Folder
Even before installing the mod, you can test that Minecraft is working properly.
Use the command line, go into the Forge Folder
and test minecraft by running the command:
On Windows:
gradlew runClient
On Linux/Mac OS:
./gradlew runClient
Open the page of the latest release:
https://github.com/alban-auzeill/minecraft-creation-command-line-mod/releases/latest .
Download the creation-command-line-mod-XX.XX.jar
in the run/mods
subfolder folder of Forge Folder
Relaunch Minecraft (see previous paragraph).
Create or open a world, then open the chat (press 'T') and type the command .help
to check if the mod is running.
Now you can play this all the commands described in the Usage paragraph.
If you are a developer and want to contribute to this mod.
- Intellij Idea OR Eclipse
- git
In the Forge Folder
follow the instructions in README.txt
(not README.md)
Mainly, you will have to run the command: gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
, and for eclipse user gradlew eclipse
(I'm using Intellij Idea).
Then delete the provided mod example by deleting the folder src/main
and the existing .gitignore
If you have previously downloaded this mod in the run/mods
folder, then delete the downloaded jar.
In the Forge Folder
git init
Select the remote format that you prefer:
git remote add origin https://github.com/alban-auzeill/minecraft-creation-command-line-mod.git
git remote add origin git@github.com:alban-auzeill/minecraft-creation-command-line-mod.git
git fetch origin
git checkout -b master --track origin/master
Now, you can open Intellij Idea or Eclipse, and change the code in the src
In the build.gradle
file, change version = "1.0"
by the according version and set the following property values:
group = "com.auzeill.minecraft.mod.ccl"
archivesBaseName = "creation-command-line-mod"
In the src/main/java/com/auzeill/minecraft/mod/ccl/CreationCommandLineMod.java
change version = "1.0"
by the according version.
git add build.gradle src/main/java/com/auzeill/minecraft/mod/ccl/CreationCommandLineMod.java
git commit -m "bump version"
git tag release-1.0
git push --tags
Create the binary
./gradlew processResources
./gradlew build
Create a github release and attach the build/libs/creation-command-line-mod-XX.XX.jar
file to it.