Platformer2DTemplate 🎮
Platformer2DTemplate is a powerful and flexible Unreal Engine plugin that provides a 2D platformer game template to kickstart your game development process. With pre-built components and customizable options, this template makes it easier to design and develop polished 2D platformer games. Features 🚀
Player Character Setup: Pre-configured player character with basic movement, animations, and interaction mechanics.
Customizable Animations: Easily modify character animations using DataTables and Flipbooks.
Character Abilities: Support for walking, jumping, wall sliding, and more.
Interaction System: Includes NPC interactions, chests, checkpoints, and DeadZones.
Modular Components: HealthComponent, CharacterGameComponent, and more for easy customization.
HUD and UI Integration: Integrated player stats and hint system through widgets.
Installation 🛠️
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Move Plugin to Your Unreal Project:
Copy the Platformer2DTemplate folder into the Plugins folder of your Unreal Engine project.
Enable the Plugin:
Open your Unreal project and go to Edit > Plugins.
Search for Platformer2DTemplate and enable it.
Restart the editor for the changes to take effect.
Setup the Template:
Move the content from the plugin's Content folder to your project's Content folder for easy customization.
Start customizing your 2D platformer game with pre-built components and mechanics.
Usage 💡
Player Character Setup:
Open BP_PlayerBaseCharacter from the Blueprints folder and configure movement, animation, and interaction settings.
Customize Animations:
Open DT_CharacterAnimation to adjust character states like Idle, Run, and Jump by modifying the Flipbook references.
Interaction Setup:
Add interactions like chests, DeadZones, and NPCs to your level using the provided blueprint assets.
Configure Game Mechanics:
Customize gameplay mechanics through components such as CharacterGameComponent and HealthComponent.
Getting Started 📖
For a detailed walkthrough of how to use this plugin, check out the video tutorial that guides you through building a 2D platformer from scratch with the Platformer2DTemplate.