Log book, recording and documenting
Do Types:
: Things to dotell
: Things to tell tobrag
: Things to be proud ofask
: Things to asklearn
: Things to learn or reference
do at doc type prio for
☐ 4 ⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿ 22-Jan-25 22:36 + tell high
☐ 16 ⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿ 03-Mar-25 20:34 tell medium alice
☐ 13 How to deal with stress 03-Mar-25 12:26 learn medium
☐ 10 I need to complete this 27-Feb-25 21:28 + task low
▣ 15 How do we do this? 03-Mar-25 20:34 tell medium alice
▣ 14 How do we tag 03-Mar-25 20:34 ask medium john
▣ 12 Dealing with outages 03-Mar-25 12:15 + learn medium
Create a task
$ captain do 'I should do this'
Complete a task
$ captain did <do.id>
Delete a task
$ captain scratch <do.id>
Revert deletion
$ captain unscratch <do.id>
Set priority
$ captain set prio <high/med/low>
Pin a do
$ captain pin <do.id>
Unpin a do
$ captain unpin <do.id>
Mark a do
$ captain mark <do.id> <sensitive>
Unmark a do
$ captain unmark <do.id> <sensitive>
Log all do, we can also pass arguements for filters. By default sensitive do's are hidden.
$ captain log
$ captain log --for standup
$ captain log --for alice --type tell
$ captain log --all
$ captain log --order asc/desc --sort priority
$ captain log --unhide
View pinned do
$ captain pinned
Add a mate to the crew
$ captain recruit <name>
List the crew
$ captain crew
Rename a crew member
$ captain rename <oldname> <newname>
Ask something to someone
$ captain ask <name> 'Question'
Tell something to someone
$ captain tell <name> 'Something'
Note an achievement
$ captain brag 'Overcame the odds'
Revisit or revise something
$ captain learn 'Something new'
Write a document on the do
$ captain doc <do.id>
View the do's document
$ captain view <do.id>
profile = main
dbname = do.db
lookback_days = 14
CaptainDir = ~/.captain
log_length = 20
: can be used to setup different config groupsdbname
: change dblookback_days
: default number of dayscaptain log
: location to save config and dblog_length
: default max number of items to show oncaptain log
sqlite3 ~/.captain/testdo.db