This library provides HTTP request metrics to export into Prometheus. It can also track method invocations using convenient functions.
Install using PIP:
pip install prometheus-flask-exporter
or paste it into requirements.txt:
# newest version
# or with specific version number
and then install dependencies from requirements.txt file as usual:
pip install -r requirements.txt
from flask import Flask, request
from prometheus_flask_exporter import PrometheusMetrics
app = Flask(__name__)
metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app)
# static information as metric'app_info', 'Application info', version='1.0.3')
def main():
pass # requests tracked by default
def skip():
pass # default metrics are not collected
@metrics.counter('invocation_by_type', 'Number of invocations by type',
labels={'item_type': lambda: request.view_args['type']})
def by_type(item_type):
pass # only the counter is collected, not the default metrics
@metrics.gauge('in_progress', 'Long running requests in progress')
def long_running():
@metrics.summary('requests_by_status', 'Request latencies by status',
labels={'status': lambda r: r.status_code})
@metrics.histogram('requests_by_status_and_path', 'Request latencies by status and path',
labels={'status': lambda r: r.status_code, 'path': lambda: request.path})
def echo_status(status):
return 'Status: %s' % status, status
The following metrics are exported by default
(unless the export_defaults
is set to False
(Histogram) Labels:method
. Flask HTTP request duration in seconds for all Flask requests.flask_http_request_total
(Counter) Labels:method
. Total number of HTTP requests for all Flask requests.flask_http_request_exceptions_total
(Counter) Labels:method
. Total number of uncaught exceptions when serving Flask requests.flask_exporter_info
(Gauge) Information about the Prometheus Flask exporter itself (e.g.version
The prefix for the default metrics can be controlled by the defaults_prefix
If you don't want to use any prefix, pass the prometheus_flask_exporter.NO_PREFIX
value in.
The buckets on the default request latency histogram can be changed by the buckets
parameter, and if using a summary for them is more appropriate for your use case, then use the default_latency_as_histogram=False
To register your own default metrics that will track all registered
Flask view functions, use the register_default
app = Flask(__name__)
metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app)
def simple_get():
'by_path_counter', 'Request count by request paths',
labels={'path': lambda: request.path}
Note: register your default metrics after all routes have been set up.
Also note, that Gauge metrics registered as default will track the
endpoint, and this can't be disabled at the moment.
If you want to apply the same metric to multiple (but not all) endpoints, create its wrapper first, then add to each function.
app = Flask(__name__)
metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app)
by_path_counter = metrics.counter(
'by_path_counter', 'Request count by request paths',
labels={'path': lambda: request.path}
def simple_get():
def plain():
def not_tracked_by_path():
You can avoid recording metrics on individual endpoints
by decorating them with @metrics.do_not_track()
, or use the
argument when creating the PrometheusMetrics
that takes a regular expression (either a single string, or a list) and
matching paths will be excluded. These apply to both built-in and user-defined
default metrics, unless you disable it by setting the exclude_user_defaults
argument to False
. If you have functions that are inherited or otherwise get
metrics collected that you don't want, you can use @metrics.exclude_all_metrics()
to exclude both default and non-default metrics being collected from it.
By default, the metrics are exposed on the same Flask application on the
endpoint and using the core Prometheus registry.
If this doesn't suit your needs, set the path
argument to None
the export_defaults
argument to False
plus change the registry
argument if needed.
The group_by
constructor argument controls what
the default request duration metric is tracked by: endpoint (function)
instead of URI path (the default). This parameter also accepts a function
to extract the value from the request, or a name of a property of the request object.
PrometheusMetrics(app, group_by='path') # the default
PrometheusMetrics(app, group_by='endpoint') # by endpoint
PrometheusMetrics(app, group_by='url_rule') # by URL rule
def custom_rule(req): # the Flask request object
""" The name of the function becomes the label name. """
return '%s::%s' % (req.method, req.path)
PrometheusMetrics(app, group_by=custom_rule) # by a function
# Error: this is not supported:
PrometheusMetrics(app, group_by=lambda r: r.path)
argument is deprecated since 0.4.0, please use the newgroup_by
The register_endpoint
allows exposing the metrics endpoint on a specific path.
It also allows passing in a Flask application to register it on but defaults
to the main one if not defined.
Similarly, the start_http_server
allows exposing the endpoint on an
independent Flask application on a selected HTTP port.
It also supports overriding the endpoint's path and the HTTP listen address.
You can also set default labels to add to every request managed by
a PrometheusMetrics
instance, using the default_labels
This needs to be a dictionary, where each key will become a metric
label name, and the values the label values.
These can be constant values, or dynamic functions, see below in the
Labels section.
argument is deprecated since 0.15.0, please use the newdefault_labels
If you use another framework over Flask (perhaps
Connexion) then you might return
responses from your endpoints that Flask can't deal with by default.
If that is the case, you might need to pass in a response_converter
that takes the returned object and should convert that to a Flask
friendly response.
See ConnexionPrometheusMetrics
for an example.
When defining labels for metrics on functions, the following values are supported in the dictionary:
- A simple static value
- A no-argument callable
- A single argument callable that will receive the Flask response as the argument
Label values are evaluated within the request context.
For more info see:
Metrics without any labels will get an initial value.
Metrics that only have static-value labels will also have an initial value. (except when they are created with the option initial_value_when_only_static_labels=False
Metrics that have one or more callable-value labels will not have an initial value.
method provides a way to expose
information as a Gauge
metric, the application version for example.
The metric is returned from the method to allow changing its value
from the default 1
metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app)
info ='dynamic_info', 'Something dynamic')
See some simple examples visualized on a Grafana dashboard by running the demo in the examples/sample-signals folder.
This library also supports the Flask app factory pattern. Use the init_app
method to attach the library to one or more application objects. Note, that to use this mode, you'll need to use the for_app_factory()
class method to create the metrics
instance, or pass in None
for the app
in the constructor.
metrics = PrometheusMetrics.for_app_factory()
# then later:
If you wish to have authentication (or any other special handling) on the metrics endpoint,
you can use the metrics_decorator
argument when creating the PrometheusMetrics
For example to integrate with Flask-HTTPAuth
use it like it's shown in the example below.
app = Flask(__name__)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app, metrics_decorator=auth.login_required)
# ... other authentication setup like @auth.verify_password below
See a full example in the examples/flask-httpauth folder.
You can also take full control of the metrics endpoint by generating its contents, and managing how it is exposed by yourself.
app = Flask(__name__)
# path=None to avoid registering a /metrics endpoint on the same Flask app
metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app, path=None)
# later ... generate the response (and its content type) to expose to Prometheus
response_data, content_type = metrics.generate_metrics()
See the related conversation in issue #135.
Please note, that changes being live-reloaded, when running the Flask
app with debug=True
, are not going to be reflected in the metrics.
See #4
for more details.
Alternatively - since version 0.5.1
- if you set the DEBUG_METRICS
environment variable, you will get metrics for the latest reloaded code.
These will be exported on the main Flask app.
Serving the metrics on a different port is not going to work
most probably - e.g. PrometheusMetrics.start_http_server(..)
is not
expected to work.
Getting accurate metrics for WSGI apps might require a bit more setup.
See a working sample app in the examples
folder, and also the
prometheus_flask_exporter#5 issue.
For multiprocess applications (WSGI or otherwise), you can find some
helper classes in the prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess
These provide convenience wrappers for exposing metrics in an
environment where multiple copies of the application will run on a single host.
# an extension targeted at Gunicorn deployments
from prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess import GunicornPrometheusMetrics
app = Flask(__name__)
metrics = GunicornPrometheusMetrics(app)
# then in the Gunicorn config file:
from prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess import GunicornPrometheusMetrics
def when_ready(server):
def child_exit(server, worker):
Also see the GunicornInternalPrometheusMetrics
class if you want to have
the metrics HTTP endpoint exposed internally, on the same Flask application.
# an extension targeted at Gunicorn deployments with an internal metrics endpoint
from prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess import GunicornInternalPrometheusMetrics
app = Flask(__name__)
metrics = GunicornInternalPrometheusMetrics(app)
# then in the Gunicorn config file:
from prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess import GunicornInternalPrometheusMetrics
def child_exit(server, worker):
There's a small wrapper available for Gunicorn and
uWSGI, for everything
else you can extend the prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess.MultiprocessPrometheusMetrics
and implement the should_start_http_server
method at least.
from prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess import MultiprocessPrometheusMetrics
class MyMultiprocessMetrics(MultiprocessPrometheusMetrics):
def should_start_http_server(self):
return this_worker() == primary_worker()
This should return True
on one process only, and the underlying
Prometheus client library
will collect the metrics for all the forked children or siblings.
An additional Flask extension for apps with processes=N
and threaded=False
with the MultiprocessInternalPrometheusMetrics
from flask import Flask
from prometheus_flask_exporter.multiprocess import MultiprocessInternalPrometheusMetrics
app = Flask(__name__)
metrics = MultiprocessInternalPrometheusMetrics(app)
if __name__ == '__main__':'', 4000, processes=5, threaded=False)
environment variable
to point to a valid, writable directory.
You'll also have to call the metrics.start_http_server()
explicitly somewhere, and the should_start_http_server
takes care of
only starting it once.
The examples folder
has some working examples on this.
Please also note, that the Prometheus client library does not collect process level metrics, like memory, CPU and Python GC stats when multiprocessing is enabled. See the prometheus_flask_exporter#18 issue for some more context and details.
A final caveat is that the metrics HTTP server will listen on any paths
on the given HTTP port, not only on /metrics
, and it is not implemented
at the moment to be able to change this.
When uWSGI is configured to run with lazy-apps, exposing the metrics endpoint on a separate HTTP server (and port) is not functioning yet. A workaround is to register the endpoint on the main Flask application.
app = Flask(__name__)
metrics = UWsgiPrometheusMetrics(app)
# instead of metrics.start_http_server(port)
See #31 for context, and please let me know if you know a better way!
The Connexion library has some
support to automatically deal with certain response types, for example
dataclasses, which a plain Flask application would not accept.
To ease the integration, you can use ConnexionPrometheusMetrics
place of PrometheusMetrics
that has the response_converter
appropriately to be able to deal with whatever Connexion supports for
Flask integrations.
import connexion
from prometheus_flask_exporter import ConnexionPrometheusMetrics
app = connexion.App(__name__)
metrics = ConnexionPrometheusMetrics(app)
See a working sample app in the examples
folder, and also the
prometheus_flask_exporter#61 issue.
There's a caveat about this integration, where any endpoints that
do not return JSON responses need to be decorated with
as this integration would force them
to be application/json
metrics = ConnexionPrometheusMetrics(app)
def plain_response():
return 'plain text'
See the prometheus_flask_exporter#64 issue for more details.
The Flask-RESTful library has
some custom response handling logic, which can be helpful in some cases.
For example, returning None
would fail on plain Flask, but it
works on Flask-RESTful.
To ease the integration, you can use RESTfulPrometheusMetrics
place of PrometheusMetrics
that sets the response_converter
to use
the Flask-RESTful API
response utilities.
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api
from prometheus_flask_exporter import RESTfulPrometheusMetrics
app = Flask(__name__)
restful_api = Api(app)
metrics = RESTfulPrometheusMetrics(app, restful_api)
See a working sample app in the examples
folder, and also the
prometheus_flask_exporter#62 issue.