Lua library to send email via SMTP servers with TLS.
It is designed to work within OpenResty as well as outside of it.
Note: the rockspec will install the set of dependencies for use without OpenResty.
local tls_mailer = require "tls-mailer"
local mailer ={
server = "",
user = "",
password = "V3ryS3cr37",
cafile = "cacert.pem",
local r, e = mailer:send({
from = "",
to = "",
subject = "my subject",
text = "my body text",
attach = { -- facultative array of attachments
mimetype = "application/stuff",
fname = "",
source = {string = "Hello!"},
-- or: source = {fname = ""},
To deal with certificates, you must pass a CA extract, which you can get for
instance here. With OpenResty this is
not necessary and you use lua_ssl_trusted_certificate instead.
You can also disable certificate verification (insecure!) with
check_cert = false
- Copyright (c) 2013 Moodstocks SAS
- Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Pierre Chapuis