Npm module for Unicode CLDR JSON data.
- Allow i18n libraries to define CLDR data as versioned "peer" dependency.
- Provide tools to assist (in other words, ease the pain) on fetching the data.
Bonus goals
- Optimal for backend development. (Frontend, see Bower's cldr-data).
- Optimal for Node.js environment. (AMD, see Bower's cldr-data).
On the package.json
of your i18n library, define its CLDR data dependency by
using the peerDependencies property.
"peerDependencies": {
"cldr-data": ">=26"
On your library, access CLDR JSON data using require("cldr-data")
function Pluralize(locale) {
var plurals = require("cldr-data/supplemental/plurals");
var language = extractLanguageFrom(locale);
// Your awesome pluralization logic
pluralForm = doAwesomeStuffWith(
return pluralForm;
For your convinience, use cldr-data in conjunction with cldr.js. You can find more details switching to the Foo Number Format Library Example or Application Example branches.
On the package.json
of your applications, define its CLDR data dependency by
using the dependencies or devDependencies property.
"dependencies": {
"cldr-data": "26",
"libraries-that-use-cldr-data": "x"
By default, the locale coverage installed is core, which Unicode defines as
the top tier languages and is equivalent to the
content. There are
two ways to modify the installation and get the full coverage instead.
Use the environment variable CLDR_COVERAGE
On the command line, set the locale coverage using the environment variable.
$ CLDR_COVERAGE=full npm install
Use the package.json cldr-data-coverage
On the package.json
of you application, set the locale coverage using the
"cldr-data-coverage": "full",
By default, used file urls.json
form cldr-data module, which contain
for each locale coverage 18 urls. For set custom .json
file, that have
structure accoding urls.json
use cldr-data-urls-json
property in package.json
your webApp
Define the package.json cldr-data-urls-json
"cldr-data-urls-json": "../../cldrdatadwnl.json",
Path must be relative from cldr-data directory
Example custom cldrdatadwnl.json File have only 7 urls.
"core": [
Or you can filter existing urls by regexp pattern, via cldr-data-urls-filter
field in package.json
"cldr-data-urls-filter": "(cldr-core|cldr-numbers-modern|cldr-dates-modern)",
MIT © Rafael Xavier de Souza