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Logic terms represented as clauses.

Specifically, terms are represented as arrays with extra properties. The array representation makes it easy to write recursive functions over terms. Even atoms are represented as zero-length arrays, minimizing special cases.


The op property indicates the operator, or kind of term. Operator names follow TPTP syntax where applicable. The following are currently defined:

Category Arity Operator Description Properties
Constant 0 bool Boolean constant val
distinct_obj Distinct object name
integer Arbitrary-precision integer constant using the big-integer package val
rational Arbitrary-precision rational constant using the big-rational package val
real Arbitrary-precision rational constant using the big-rational package, typed as a real number val
Atom fun Function or constant name (optional)
variable Variable name (optional)
Quantifier 1 ! For all: binds an array of variables over a term variables
? There exists: binds an array of variables over a term variables
Derived logic operator 2 => Implies
<=> Eqv
<~> Xor
~& Nand
~| Nor
Fundamental logic operator N & And
| Or
1 ~ Not
Equality 2 = Equal
!= Not equal
Comparison < Less than
<= Less than or equal
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal
General N call Call a function f


var cnf = require('clause-normal-form')

And prefix functions with cnf.

Functional maps

A purely functional map class. Keys are compared with eq so keys can be terms and don't need to be ordered, just comparable by strict equality. The tradeoff is that lookup takes linear time.

m = cnf.empty

The empty map.

m.add(key, val)

Add a new key-value pair to the map, returning the new map while leaving the old one unchanged. Any existing value for that key will be overridden.


Get a value. If not present, returns undefined.


Remove a key from the map if it was present, returning the new map while leaving the old one unchanged.


An array of all the keys in this map, most recently added first.


An array of all the values in this map, most recently added first.


The number of keys in this map.


The smallest key in this map, according to the specified comparison function that should return true when the first argument is less than the second.

Factory functions

Terms are created with factory functions:


Boolean constant.


Distinct object, as defined in the TPTP: it is an axiom that two different distinct objects are not equal to each other. (By contrast, two different variables may or may not be equal to each other.)


Arbitrary-precision integer constant. val may be a big-integer object, or a string or number convertible to one.


Arbitrary-precision rational constant. val may be a big-rational object, or a string or number convertible to one.


Arbitrary-precision rational constant typed as a real number. val may be a big-rational object, or a string or number convertible to one.


Function or constant. Name is optional, mostly used for debugging.


Variable. Name is optional, mostly used for debugging.

call(f, args)

Call (application) of a function with an array of arguments.

quant(op, variables, arg)

Quantifier: bind an array of variables over a term.

term(op, ...args)

Other term; anything that requires operator and arguments but no other properties.

Other functions

In general, a function may indicate true or false by returning any truthy or falsy value respectively.


Convert a term to clause normal form.

eq(a, b)

Test two terms for equality.

evaluate(a, m)

Evaluate a term, looking up substitutions in the map m.

isomorphic(a, b)

Check whether two terms are isomorphic. This is similar to equality except that two atoms are isomorphic if they have the same name. Furthermore, when an anonymous atom is compared with a named one, the anonymous one is given that name, and when two anonymous atoms are compared, they are both given the same generated name. This function is mainly used for writing tests.

map(a, f)

As but produces a new term.

occurs(a, b, m)

Check whether term a occurs in term b, looking up substitutions in the map m.

unify(a, b, m=empty)

Unify two terms, returning a map of substitutions, or false if the terms could not be unified.


Logic terms represented as clauses







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