We will create an JavaScript app which we will compile using webpack since we will use ES6 features. View this app live in my Heroku account
Autonomous Components: One function that does only one task or operation. It will always deal with maximum 2 resources. In my example I will create components which will at the same time deal with messaging service (jquery pub sub) and DOM or STORE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRiM_tJqzAg&list=PLZed_adPqIJrL-BW84lV03K6MZANFj89V
Creating First website Workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMWEEFOVWpk&list=PLZed_adPqIJpo5MmmJNmwpTsovBiAHO78
Slide Url: ( put them in your website and then share ) https://hackmd.io/@rupeshtiwari/HJk0vFT9H
jQuery Delegate: Attach a handler to one or more events for all elements that match the selector, now or in the future, based on a specific set of root elements. https://api.jquery.com/delegate/
Barrels: When you create your own Typescript library then you need a barrel file where you put all of your files that you want to expose to the outside world kind of public API. Normally this is an index.ts file where you want to export all of your files which will become public API. The big question is how to automatically create this index file or barrel ? Especially if you are maintaining a huge project. https://rupeshtiwari.com/create-barrel/ Bootstrap Alerts: Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages. https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/alerts/
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZed_adPqIJpo5MmmJNmwpTsovBiAHO78 (Create Web Application- Workshop | Demo | Node.js | Mean.js In this workshop you will understand the high level approach of this project. Where we will discuss add/edit and delete use case)
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZed_adPqIJrL-BW84lV03K6MZANFj89V (Autonomous Component | Demo | Introduction | JavaScript In this video you will understand what is Autonomous Component.)
In this tutorial, we're going to create a simple web app which organizes a list of users profiles. It demonstrates how to add user using test driven development. We are going to use standard tools & libraries on the front end such as JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Webpack, and of course, HTML/CSS. We will use Vs Code for writing code. You will learn how to write unit test. We will do test driven development and learn how to first write test then write production code. The entire application will be written in event driven style. We will use pub-sub library to communicate between autonomous components(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRiM_tJqzAg&list=PLZed_adPqIJrL-BW84lV03K6MZANFj89V) using events / messages. We will follow Single Responsibility Principle from SOLID design principles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99EAJRDqsOM&list=PLZed_adPqIJoMn7uhD7IlYTjpJI3fsLd2) and write clean code.
Startup App: https://github.com/rupeshtiwari/Training-JavaScript-App-Starter/tree/master Workshop Source Code: https://github.com/rupeshtiwari/Training-JavaScript-App-Starter/tree/workshop-1
Starter app for learning javascript,jquery,css
- Download Node.JS and install it.
node -v
it will show you the installed versionnpm -v
npm version
Download this starting project for following along this project https://github.com/rupeshtiwari/javascript-web-application/releases/tag/Starter
Open command promt or powershell or visual studio code terminal
and run below script to get this project at your box
Run below script to download the code to your box
git clone https://github.com/roopkt/Training-JavaScript-App-Starter.git
Run below script to navigate to the created folder
cd Training-JavaScript-App-Starter
Run below script to get all node packages installed
npm i
To start app, go to the Training-JavaScript-App-Starter
open the folder in visual studio code
or your favorite editor.
Open Terminal from vscode
then run npm start
or Ctrl+B
It will launch a browser and watch any file changes inside the src
folder and refresh your browser automatically.
👉 Controller is the abstraction over the DOM
Any operation that we do on the DOM should be done by controller only.
Controller should not directly change Store
So controller will read the DOM value and create a User Object
and publish a message (ADD_USER_FORM_UPDATED
payload: { name: 'Rupesh Tiwari', emailId: 'info@rupeshtiwari.com'}
controller's job is to read the DOM values and create user object
and publish a command
) to save the user
in the server.
ADD_USER message
payload: { name: 'Rupesh Tiwari', emailId: 'info@rupeshtiwari.com', userId:'1'}
controller's job is to show the user value in the DOM.
controller's job is to read the User Id
from the DOM
and publish a command
) to delete the user
from the server.
controller's job is to remove the user from the DOM.
payload: { userId: '1'}
1- Webpack 2- Add User Form Validation 3- Add User 4- Delete User 5- Deploy to Heroku Cloud
It will not support any ES6
This app is more of ES5
oriented javascript
No modules no ES6
Features supported
No routing is supported
Just single html file support