A simple, minimalist code editor written in Javascript, HTML and CSS using Electron and the wonderful Ace editor
Check releases for the newest installers available in the following formats
- Windows 64 bit and 32 bit installer
- Debian installer (.deb)
- Appimage (for most Linux distros)
Ensure you have the latest version of Node and NPM installed
- Clone the repo or download the zip file and extract it somewhere
- Open a terminal there and type
npm install
or in Linuxsudo npm install
- Then run the appropriate command
npm run start // starts GreenTea
npm run buildwindows // builds the installer .exe in the /dist folder
npm run buildlinux // builds .deb installer and portable .appimage in /dist folder, this will only work on Linux
Tab system
Multiple instances
Fix bug where the window will not close if the file you are working on is deleted.
Remember window position on launch
Remember last working directory in file tree, not just folder of current file
Terminal emulator
On-save commands
Language autodetect for more languages
Autodetect file extension based on language when saving
Check why only one instance of GreenTea can be open at once, second window does not have an editor for some reason
When opening a file that has been deleted without saving changes to your current file and you click "no" a notification appears telling you that the file could not be found
Defualt file names begin with C:/
File associations broken
Appimage icon broken
.deb license, description and app store icon broken/unfinished