Tagged & Newtypes - the better and much friendlier alternative to AnyVals.
(multi-nested-)-tagging (compile time subtyping for any class including primitives)
- Unboxed (including primitives)
- Nested level tagging
- Implicits work without additional imports
- Basic blocks for building custom screnarious (ex: runtime refined)
- Unapply ready
- Multi tagging (like
for traits, but for tagged types) - Overtagged (like
for classes, but for tagged types, heavily used in Scala Superquants https://github.com/rudogma/scala-superquants )
- Unboxed for all, except primitives (primitives boxed to object wrapper java.lang.Integer & etc)
- Simplified & enriched
- Extensible syntax
- Nested level newtyping
- Implicits work without additional imports
- Basic blocks for building custom screnarious (ex: runtime refined)
Micro size
Intellij Idea compatible 100% (
red marks
- 2.11.x (built with 2.11.12)
- 2.12.x (built with 2.12.12)
- 2.13.x (built with 2.13.3)
libraryDependencies += "org.rudogma" %% "supertagged" % "2.0-RC2"
- 0.6.Ń… (built with 0.6.33)
- 1.Ń… (built with 1.1.1)
libraryDependencies += "org.rudogma" %%% "supertagged" % "2.0-RC2"
- Bytecode
- Tagged Types
- Newtypes
- Refined
- Lifting typeclasses for tagged & newtypes
- Unapply
- Migration from 1.4 to 2.x
- Classic way
- Alternatives
- Tests
For those who want to check bytecode, have a look at
object Step extends TaggedType[Raw]{
//...implicit scope for Step ...
//...put here all implicits you need and they will be found here without additional imports...
//...if you want to add more operations to Step, just define one more implicit class with ops...
implicit final class Ops(private val value:Type) extends AnyVal {
//... your methods here ...
type Step = Step.Type
- Now we have built a new subtype
Step <: Raw
. This subtype exists only at compile time. Subtyping allow you to call directly all methods of Raw, and put tagged value wherever basic Raw needed without additional conversions - In runtime it will be the unboxed Raw type
- Subtyping don't allow you overriding methods of Raw type.
- They are very useful, when you don't need strictly newtype, but just need to separate semantics (Ex: if you don't want occasionally mix up
) - You can define any additional methods to your new subtypes via implicit class
object WidthT extends TaggedTypeT {
type Raw[T] = T
type WidthT[T] = WidthT.Type[T]
val v1:WidthT[Int] = WidthT[Int](5) // WidthT.apply[Int](5)
val v2:WidthT[Long] = WidthT[Long](5L)
- You can define parameterized tagged type. For simple cases with 1 type parameter you can use
- Here we have at runtime:
object Counters extends TaggedType[T]{
type Raw[T] = Array[T]
type Counters[T] = Counters.Type[T]
val v1:Counters[Long] = Counters[Long](Array(5L))
val v2:Counters[String] = Counters[String](Array("String"))
- Here we will tag an Array[T]
- In runtime
(array of primitives) &&v2:Array[String]
val arr:Array[Array[Array[Array[Int]]]]
val v1 = Width(arr) // searches for first Int and replaces it -> Array[Array[Array[Array[Width]]]]
val v2 = WidthT[Int](arr) // searches for first Int and replaces it -> Array[Array[Array[Array[WidthT[Int]]]]]
val v3 = Counters[Int](arr) // searches for first Array[Int] and replaces it -> Array[Array[Array[Counters]]]
- You can tag at arbitrary nested level (the most outer suitable level will be used)
import supertagged.postfix._
value @@ Width
value @@@ Width
value !@@ Width
value untag Width
- Requires manual import
import supertagged.postfix._
- Ex: OverTaggedTest
object Step extends NewType[Raw]{
//...implicit scope for Step ...
//...put here all implicits you need and they will be found here without additional imports...
//...if you want to add more operations to Step, just define one more implicit class with ops...
implicit final class Ops(private val value:Type) extends AnyVal {
//... your methods here ...
implicit def someCommonImplicit = ... // conversions, wrappers, typeclasess & etc...
type Step = Step.Type
- Now we have built a newtype Step. This newtype exists only at compile time and till the last phases with erasure it totally different for compiler
- As a result of newtyping, you can't call directly methods of Raw and using newtyped value wherever basic Raw needed requires additional conversions (at compile time and some auto-generated boiler plate bytecode, but will not affect on performance)
- At runtime it will be the unboxed Raw type (It is true for all, except primitives. Primitive types will be boxed in their appropriate object wrapper. Ex: int -> java.lang.Integer, etc...)
- To call raw methods, you need to make de-newtyping. You have built in method in wrapper for this. Ex:
(You can still define your own method for newtype via implicit class to call it like thisnewtypedValue.raw
- or any other name as you wish) - Newtyping allows you "overriding" all methods(except toString) of Raw type. Compiler don't see any methods of Raw type when working with it, so he will try to search for
implicit class
to resolve methods and generate appropriate code for it (ex:new YouImplicitClass(newtypedValue).yourMethodName()
(or more efficient if you useextends AnyVal
- according to the documentation of Scala)). - You still can define any additional methods to you new newtypes
object WidthT extends NewTypeT {
type Raw[T] = T
type WidthT[T] = WidthT.Type[T]
val v1:WidthT[Int] = WidthT[Int](5)
val v2:WidthT[Long] = WidthT[Long](5L)
- You can define parameterized newtypes. For simple cases with 1 type parameter you can use
- Here we have at runtime:
object Counters extends TaggedType[T]{
type Raw[T] = List[T]
type Counters[T] = Counters.Type[T]
val v1:Counters[Long] = Counters[Long](List(5L)) // You can't make newtype from Array[primitives], because it will fail at runtime with `can't cast` error
val v2:Counters[String] = Counters[String](List("String"))
- Here we will tag an List[T]
- In runtime
(array of primitives) &&v2:List[String]
- You can make newtypes from
Array[T <: AnyRef]
val arr:List[List[List[List[Int]]]]
val v1 = Width(arr) // -> Array[Array[Array[Array[Width]]]]
val v2 = Width[Int](arr) // -> Array[Array[Array[Array[Width[Int]]]]]
val v3 = Counters[Int](arr) // -> Array[Array[Array[Counters]]]
- You can make newtypes at arbitrary nested level
object Unfold extends NewType0 {
protected type T[A,B] = A => Option[(A, B)]
type Type[A,B] = Newtype[T[A,B],Ops[A,B]]
implicit final class Ops[A,B](private val f: Type[A,B]) extends AnyVal {
def apply(x: A): Stream[B] = raw(f)(x) match {
case Some((y, e)) => e #:: apply(y)
case None => Stream.empty
def apply[A,B](f: T[A,B]):Type[A,B] = tag(f) // `tag` built in helper
def raw[A,B](f:Type[A,B]):T[A,B] = cotag(f) // `cotag` built in helper
type Unfold[A,B] = Unfold.Type[A,B]
def digits(base:Int) = Unfold[Int,Int]{
case 0 => None
case x => Some((x / base, x % base))
digits(10)(123456).force.toString shouldEqual "Stream(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)"
- You can use
as base for your custom semantics and complex types
At: newtypes tests
object Meters extends TaggedType0[Long] {
def apply(value:Long):Type = if(value >= 0) TaggedOps(this)(value) else throw new Exception("Can't be less then ZERO")
def option(value:Long):Option[Type] = if(value >= 0) Some( TaggedOps(this)(value)) else None
type Meters = Meters.Type
Meters(-1) // will throw Exception
Meters(5) // would be `5:Meters`
Meters.option(-1) // would be `None`
Meters.option(0) // would be `Some(0:Meters)`
- You can use
as base for defining your subtypes & newtypes withrefined
semantics (in any way you want) - Ex: Meters
You have several options:
import supertagged.@@
import supertagged.lift.LiftF
import io.circe.Encoder
implicit def lift_circeEncoder[T,U](implicit F:Encoder[T]):Encoder[T @@ U] = LiftF[Encoder].lift
implicit def lift_circeDecoder[T,U](implicit F:Decoder[T]):Decoder[T @@ U] = LiftF[Decoder].lift
import supertagged.lift.LiftF
implicit val step_circeEncoder = LiftF[io.circe.Encoder].lift[Step.Raw, Step.Tag]
// -or-
implicit val step_circeEncoder:io.circe.Encoder[Step] = LiftF[io.circe.Encoder].lift
3. Using helper trait and mixing it when you need (works for TaggedType & NewType, can be adopted for more complex types)
trait LiftedCirce {
type Raw
type Type
implicit def ordering(implicit origin:Ordering[Raw]):Ordering[Type] = unsafeCast(origin)
trait LiftedCirceT {
type Raw[T]
type Type[T]
implicit def circeEncoder[T](implicit origin:io.circe.Encoder[Raw[T]]):io.circe.Encoder[Type[T]] = unsafeCast(origin)
implicit def circeDecoder[T](implicit origin:io.circe.Decoder[Raw[T]]):io.circe.Decoder[Type[T]] = unsafeCast(origin)
object Step extends TaggedType[Int] with LiftedCirce
type Step = Step.Type
object Step extends TaggedType[Int] {
// (they will be used without additional imports)
implicit def circeEncoder:io.circe.Encoder[Type] = lift
implicit def circeDecoder:io.circe.Decoder[Type] = lift
type Step = Step.Type
Or in place:
object Step extends TaggedType[Int]
type Step = Step.Type
//somewhere else...
import Step
val liftedEncoder:io.circe.Encoder[Step] = Step.lift
val liftedEncoder = Step.lift[io.circe.Encoder] // will be io.circe.Encoder[Step]
Will try auto lift of any requested typeclass Not recommended. Because of loosing control of what you are lifting.
import supertagged.lift.liftAnyF
val width = Width(5)
width match {
case Width(5) => //...
- This will work out of the box for types based on
- Can be easily adopted for more complex types
val widthInt = WidthT[Int](5)
val EInt = WidthT.extractor[Int] // boiler plate, because Scala `match` don't support syntax with type parameters at now. Ex: `case EInt.extractor[Int](1)`
widthInt match {
case EInt(1) => false
case EInt(5) => true
- This will work for
with some boilerplate
- Classic
- moved to
- moved to
- Postfix syntax for tagged types
- moved to
- use
import supertagged.postfix._
if you really need it
- moved to
- Multitagging
- Before:
- double @ used to multi tag - Now:
- use explicit triple @ to add multi tag
- Before:
- TaggedTypeF & NewTypeF
- Replaced with new scheme
- Checkout docs above and tests for more examples
- Now:
- trait TaggedType (trait NewType ) -- for concrete types
- trait TaggedTypeT (trait NewTypeT ) -- for parametric tagged type
- trait TaggedType0 (trait NewType0 ) -- base block for building custom tagged types with any semantics
implicit def ordering
removed from TaggedType- Use explicit mixin
with LiftedOrdering
&&with LiftedOrderingT
if you want to use lifted orderings for your model - Example: OrderingTest
- More: Lifting typeclasses
- Use explicit mixin
- Lifting ops
- moved to package
(now occasionallyimport supertagged._
will bring only one implicit@newtypeOps
to scope) - implicit method @liftLifterF
- Deprecated and removed, because of many collisions
- Now: Look at section
Lifting typeclasses
- moved to package
- Scalac bug
polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated
gone away (because of: can't reproduce after changing internals in supertagged)
In versions before 2.0
was scalac specific bug in some very specific cases. Now it is absent.
- Everybody knows about existing autoimport
. But it is not obvious that there is a weirdimplicit final class any2stringadd { def +(other: String)... }
. Because of autoimport it used by compiler as direct scope for searching implicits. It means, that companion objects are not checked if he has found appropriate implicit in direct scope. So, he will use thisany2stringadd.+
if you writex:MyNewType) + argument
- In further versions of Scala this class will be removed, but now you have few variants to overcome these:
import Predef.{any2stringadd => _,_}
- Shadowingimport supertagged.newtypeOps
- will force compiler to check companion object for newtype and prefer implicit ops from it.
Original idea by Miles Sabin. Similar implementations are also available in shapeless and scalaz.
import supertagged.classic.@@
sealed trait Width
val value = @@[Width](5) // value is `Int @@ Width`
- Estatico's scala-newtype (based on macros, not bad alternative)
- Alexander Semenov's Tagged-Types
- shapeless tags & newtype (classic) (very poor)
- scalaz tags (only tagged, very poor)