In March 2012 clj-processing project changed its home and name to Quil. You can find the new project here:
This repository is no longer developed or maintained.
This lib is a wrapper for the Processing project. Mixture of Clojure and Processing enables you to do live-coding and experiment easily.
Most of the function are covered; some have a slightly different name than in Java (partly because Clojure is confused by methods of the same arity but different argument types). Most of the constants are accessible.
NOTE: project is currently going through some cleanups when it comes to lein/maven compatibility. Untill that's finished, you pretty much have to setup your project manually.
If you use mave or leiningn, just add the following to your
[processing-core/processsing.core "0.1.0"]
Add Processing's core.jar
to your classpath along with
clj-processing jar and you're ready to go.
To use the OpenGL features, you also have to add gluegen-rt.jar
and opengl.jar
from the
. You also need to pass the
to the JVM.
Then, create a JAR by running ant
and also add the resulting file to
The examples
directory contains a simple script to get you going.
clj-procesing may not work if you're using add-classpath
to put the
Processing jars into your CLASSPATH. Please, use a "proper" way to set
up your CLASSPATH (eg. with a special script like the clj
on Clojure Wiki)
If your're using Clojure's proxy
macro, you'll have to define the
mouse handling methods to take one argument (which is just an instance
of java.awt.event.MouseEvent class) and get all needed information
(like mouse position etc) from that object. Also, accessing instance
fields of the PApplet class from within proxy doesn't work.
is distributed under Common Public License Version
1.0. The official's core.jar is distributed under LGPG
and its code can be found on
- docstrings
- include remaining constants
- Roland Sadowski
- Phil Hagelberg
- Vilson Vieira
- Marshall T. Vandegrift
- Ilya Epifanov
- Sam Aaron