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fixes to geojson2wkt fix #23
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separated geojson2wkt egs and dump* helper funs each into separate files to simplify
changed geojson2wkt internals to follow sf behavior to fill in zeros for objects that
    are shorter than the longest object
added failure behavior for points/matrices that are longer than length of 5
added examples to pkg level man file
added rmarkdown to suggests, cause we build rmarkdown vignette
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sckott committed Mar 29, 2018
1 parent d2a3b54 commit 72568f3
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Showing 10 changed files with 786 additions and 421 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Package: wellknown
Title: Convert Between 'WKT' and 'GeoJSON'
Description: Convert 'WKT' to 'GeoJSON' and 'GeoJSON' to 'WKT'. Functions
included for converting between 'GeoJSON' to 'WKT', creating both
'GeoJSON' features, and non-features, creating WKT from R objects
'GeoJSON' features, and non-features, creating 'WKT' from R objects
(e.g., lists, data.frames, vectors), and linting 'WKT'.
Version: 0.5.0
Authors@R: person("Scott", "Chamberlain", role = c("aut", "cre"),
email = "")
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Expand All @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Imports:
V8 (>= 1.0.2)
leaflet (>= 1.0.0),
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
wellknown 0.5.0


* xx (#xx)
* xx (#xx)
* xx (#xx)


* xx (#xx)
* xx (#xx)
* xx (#xx)


* xx (#xx)
* xx (#xx)
* xx (#xx)

wellknown 0.1.0

Expand Down
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions R/dump.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
# dumpers used in geojson2wkt ------------------------------------
dump_point <- function(obj, fmt = 16, third = "z"){
coords <- obj$coordinates
if (!is.vector(coords) || is.list(coords)) {
stop("expecting a vector in 'coordinates', got a ", class(coords))
str <- paste0(format(coords, nsmall = fmt), collapse = " ")
make_it('POINT', str, length(coords), third)

dump_multipoint <- function(obj, fmt = 16, third = "z"){
coords <- obj$coordinates
if (!is.matrix(coords)) {
stop("expecting a matrix in 'coordinates', got a ", class(coords))
str <- paste0(apply(coords, 1, function(z){
sprintf("(%s)", paste0(str_trim_(format(z, nsmall = fmt)), collapse = " "))
}), collapse = ", ")
make_it('MULTIPOINT', str, NCOL(coords), third)

dump_linestring <- function(obj, fmt = 16, third = "z"){
coords <- obj$coordinates
if (!is.matrix(coords)) {
stop("expecting a matrix in 'coordinates', got a ", class(coords))

str <- paste0(apply(coords, 1, function(z){
paste0(gsub("\\s", "", format(z, nsmall = fmt)), collapse = " ")
}), collapse = ", ")
make_it('LINESTRING', str, NCOL(coords), third)

dump_multilinestring <- function(obj, fmt = 16, third = "z"){
coords <- obj$coordinates
if (!is.list(coords)) {
stop("your top most element must be a list")
if (!all(vapply(coords, is.matrix, TRUE))) {
stop("expecting matrices for all 'coordinates' elements")

coords <- check_diff_dim(coords)
str <- paste0(lapply(coords, function(z){
sprintf("(%s)", paste0(gsub(",", "",
apply(str_trim_(format(z, nsmall = fmt)),
1, paste0, collapse = " ")),
collapse = ", "))
}), collapse = ", ")
len <- unique(vapply(coords, NCOL, numeric(1)))
make_it('MULTILINESTRING', str, len, third)

dump_polygon <- function(obj, fmt = 16, third = "z"){
coords <- obj$coordinates
if (!is.list(coords)) {
stop("your top most element must be a list")
if (!all(vapply(coords, is.matrix, TRUE))) {
stop("expecting matrices for all 'coordinates' elements")

coords <- check_diff_dim(coords)
str <- paste0(lapply(coords, function(z){
sprintf("(%s)", paste0(apply(z, 1, function(w){
paste0(gsub("\\s", "", format(w, nsmall = fmt)), collapse = " ")
}), collapse = ", "))
}), collapse = ", ")
len <- unique(vapply(coords, NCOL, numeric(1)))
make_it('POLYGON', str, len, third)

dump_multipolygon <- function(obj, fmt = 16, third = "z"){
coords <- obj$coordinates
if (!is.list(coords)) {
stop("your top most element must be a list")
if (!all(vapply(coords, is.list, TRUE))) {
stop("one or more of your secondary elements is not a list")
if (!all(vapply(coords, function(z) is.matrix(z[[1]]), TRUE))) {
stop("one or more of your rings is not a matrix")

coords <- check_diff_dim_multi(coords)
str <- paste0(lapply(coords, function(z) {
sprintf("(%s)", paste0(sprintf("(%s)", lapply(z, function(w){
paste0(gsub(",", "", unname(apply(str_trim_(format(w, nsmall = fmt)), 1, paste0, collapse = " "))), collapse = ", ")
})), collapse = ", "))
}), collapse = ", ")
len <- unique(vapply(coords, function(z) unique(vapply(z, NCOL, numeric(1))),
make_it('MULTIPOLYGON', str, len, third)

dump_geometrycollection <- function(obj, fmt = 16, third = "z"){
geoms <- obj$geometries
if (!is.list(geoms)) {
stop("your top most element must be a list")
str <- paste0(lapply(geoms, function(z) {
if (all(c('type', 'coordinates') %in% tolower(names(z)))) {
get_fxn(tolower(z$type))(z, fmt)
} else {
get_fxn(tolower(names(z)))(list(coordinates = z[[1]]), fmt)
}), collapse = ", ")
sprintf('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (%s)', str)

# dump helpers ------------------
# case function to get correct dump* function
get_fxn <- function(type){
point = dump_point,
multipoint = dump_multipoint,
linestring = dump_linestring,
multilinestring = dump_multilinestring,
polygon = dump_polygon,
multipolygon = dump_multipolygon,
geometrycollection = dump_geometrycollection)

# vector of acceptable types
# some WKT types are not valid GeoJSON types so make no sense to allow
wkt_geojson_types <- c("POINT",'MULTIPOINT',"POLYGON","MULTIPOLYGON",

# make WKT string from components
make_it <- function(geom, x, len, third) {
if (len == 3) {
sprintf('%s %s(%s)', geom, pick3(third), x)
} else if (len == 4) {
sprintf('%s ZM(%s)', geom, x)
} else {
sprintf('%s (%s)', geom, x)

# convert any matrices to have all same dimensionality if they differ
# - for most types
check_diff_dim <- function(coords) {
lns <- vapply(coords, NCOL, numeric(1))
if (any(lns > 4)) stop("only 2D, 3D, and 4D supported")
if (length(unique(lns)) > 1) {
to_add <- max(lns) - min(lns)
to_fix <- coords[[which.min(lns)]]
coords[[which.min(lns)]] <-
cbind(to_fix, replicate(to_add, rep(0, NROW(to_fix))))

# convert any matrices to have all same dimensionality if they differ
# - for mulitpolygon's
check_diff_dim_multi <- function(coords) {
lns_ <- lapply(coords, function(x) vapply(x, NCOL, numeric(1)))
lns <- unlist(lns_)
if (any(lns > 4)) stop("only 2D, 3D, and 4D supported")
if (length(unique(lns)) > 1) {
to_add <- max(lns) - min(lns)
coords <- lapply(coords, function(z) {
to_fix <- z[vapply(z, NCOL, 1) == min(lns)]
z[vapply(z, NCOL, 1) == min(lns)] <-
lapply(to_fix, function(w) cbind(w, replicate(to_add, rep(0, NROW(w)))))

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