Installs Mailpit, an email testing tool for developers, on RedHat or Debian-based linux systems. Mailpit acts as both an SMTP server, and provides a web interface to view all captured emails. Mailpit is inspired by MailHog, but much, much faster.
This role is based on
If you're using PHP and would like to route all PHP email into Mailpit, you will need to update the sendmail_path
configuration option in php.ini, like so:
sendmail_path = "{{ mailpit_install_dir }}/mailpit sendmail"
A Debian-based (eg: Ubuntu) or RedHat system running systemd.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
mailpit_install_dir: /opt/mailpit
The directory into which the MailHog binary will be installed.
mailpit_version: 1.3.8
The version of Mailpit that will be installed. You can find the latest version by visiting the Mailpit project releases page.
mailpit_release_url: "{{ mailpit_version }}/mailhog-linux-amd64"
- hosts: servers
- { role: roots.mailpit }
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