A command line interface for Flutter. It can scaffold a skeleton Flutter project, component, and test with page object.
To install:
pub global activate ngflutter
pub global activate webdev
To update:
pub global activate ngflutter
pub global activate webdev
ngflutter help
For help on specific command, run ngflutter help [command name]
For example:
ngflutter help generate test
will show how to use command generate test
ngflutter new project_name
cd project_name
pub get
webdev serve
Navigate to http://localhost:8080
to visit the project you just built.
Command following will assume that you are in the root directory of
the project.
ngflutter generate component AnotherComponent
This command will generate component under folder lib/
You can use option -p
to change the folder.
ngflutter generate test lib/app_component.dart
Command above will generate 2 files. One is page object file and the other one is test file. Test generated is using flutter_test and test package.
Use command
pub run build_runner test --fail-on-severe -- -p chrome
to run generated test with Chrome.