Code repo for BBC Basic programs written for the Agon Light and Console8
Just a place to save stuff for now.
I will put individual programs in their own repos if they prove useful.
sped.bas is a simple sprite editor.
Now moved to it's own repo at The last version here is 0.15
Shows all the colours available in MODE8 (and any 64 colour mode)
Alongside my name for the colour - these are approximated from the standard HTML colour names.
Cycle through 32 modes (0-31) printing a hash in the 64 colours.
Primarily to see how the colour codes map in each of the modes.
Vertical scrolling stars in basic using double buffered mode
All of these were created to test the Adjust function of the buffered API, however to date I can't get any of them working.
create single colour bitmap, show and attempt adjust
as bitmap.bas but try creating the buffer/bitmap using the buffer API
Create sprite, modify using buffered API
As above but try only using the buffered API functions