This package provides a set of utilities to facilitate the development of Dart apps. It also includes many utilities used by other packages in the ๐ฝ๐พ๐ฟ ecosystem.
Here are some notable utilities included in this package, with many more available and continually added with each update:
- The Debouncer can be used to debounce user input.
- The Here can be used to log messages to the console at the given position in the code.
- The FunctionQueue can be used to queue up asynchrounous functions and execute them in order.
- The AnsiStyle that can be used to style console output.
Please refer to the API reference for more information.
Use this package as a dependency by adding it to your pubspec.yaml
file (see here), or copy the needed source code directly into your project.
This is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome from everyone, regardless of experience level. Contributing to projects is a great way to learn, share knowledge, and showcase your skills to the community. Join the discussions to ask questions, report bugs, suggest features, share ideas, or find out how you can contribute.
๐ง Email Robert Mollentze at
This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.