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A Term Rewriting and Computer Algebra System


Loris is a term rewriting and computer algebra system based on pattern matching algorithms developed by Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, and Mircea Marin. (See below.) To my knowledge, this is the first and only implementation of these algorithms.

Getting and Building the Code

This repository is a meta-repository with a Cargo (Rust) workspace and lorislib and and Loris-CLI as git submodules, the crates making up the workspace. To get everything in one go, just issue the command:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

or the SSH version:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Use the usual cargo build and/or run commands, the second of which will build the project if it needs to:

$ cargo run

The first time building the project takes almost exactly 1 minute on my 2018 MacBook Air. A large chunk of that time is spent building GMP. Subsequent builds take < 13 seconds. Your computer is probably a lot faster.


Loris uses the syntax of Wolfram Language (Mathematica). Some quick examples are in order. Here is a sample session you can follow along with:

Loris term rewriting system version 0.1.0.

:> 28734587487*238423   (* Big integer arithmetic. *)


:> 387658326485683465/9838456983345   (* Rational numbers are automatically reduced. *)

Divide[77531665297136693, 1967691396669]

:> f[x_]:=1+x^2   (* Define a function. *)

Hold[Plus[Power[x, 2], 1]]

:> f[45]   (* Evaluate the function we just defined. *)


:> 37*x^2-s*t^g[a, b, c^x, f[r]] /.x^2->y   (* Replace an expression everywhere it appears within another expression. *)

Plus[Times[y, 37], Times[s, Power[t, g[a, b, Power[c, x], Plus[Power[r, 2], 1]]], -1]]

:> x_*y_+g[v_+w_]^:=g[x*y]+v+w   (* Define a moderately messy up-value. *)

Hold[Plus[g[Times[x, y]], v, w]]

:> a*b+g[c+d]   (* Show that the up-value correctly matches and transforms this expression. *)

Plus[g[Times[a, b]], c, d]


You can think of Loris as an implementation of Wolfram Language. Only a handful of built-ins and predefined functions exist so far. Expect only basic arithmetic functions and system-related built-ins to work. However, it is nearing the point where it has enough built-ins to implement a powerful CAS in its own language. Source files for this implementation will accrue in lib/.

Another major limitation is that the matcher only has linear matching implemented so far, meaning that a variable can only appear once on the LHS of a function definition. To get around this limitation, you can include a Condition in your definition: f[x_, y_] := expr /; condition. Here is a simplification rule (using UpSet) that employs this workaround:

a_*x_ + b_*y_ ^:= (a + b)*x /; And[SameQ[x, y], NumberQ[a], NumberQ[b]]

When I implement Algorithm $M$ from [Dundua et al, 2021], this limitation will be removed.

An experiment in pattern matching algorithms.

Loris started as an implementation of the pattern matching algorithms described in the paper:

Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, and Mircea Marin, Variadic equational matching in associative and commutative theories, Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol 106, 2021, p. 78-109

The Algorithm

We implement algorithms LM (Linear Matching) and LM${\text{S}}$ (Linear Matching with Strict associativity) as described in the paper with a minor modification to LM to make it finitary. The algorithm relies on repeated application of transformation rules to "match equations." The algorithm is described in doc/ The transformation rules are listed in doc/ and implemented in the files in src/matching/. The algorithm $M{\text{MMA}}$, which captures the semantics of Wolfram Mathematica's matching behavior, is not implemented, but I would like to implement it in the future.

Algorithms $RS$ (Reconstruct Solutions) and $RS_S$ (Reconstruct Solutions with Strict associativity) are not implemented. Instead, match generators and backtracking are used to find solutions. I would like to implement them in the future.


Copyright (C) 2022 Robert Jacobson. This software is distributed under the 2-Clause BSD License.

The source code of the permutation-generator crate by Thomas Villa has been included in its entirety in lorislib/src/matching/permutation_generator. The permutaton-generator crate is distributed under the MIT license.


Feel free to contribute. I am happy to take PRs. Unfortunately, I generally have so much happening in my life that I cannot offer support for my software projects on GitHub. Feel free to fork the project, though.

The Slow Loris

The Slow Loris is at risk of extinction due to habitat loss and the illegal wildlife trade. There is demand for lorises for use in traditional medicine and as pets.


A term rewriting and computer algebra system







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