Manages a blink1 device for some NextDeploy supervise alerts.
Needs Cmake (>3.1), Jansson and curl libraries, and the hidapi library from blink1 repo.
Install Jansson Library
$ git clone
$ cd jansson
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
Install hidapi blink1 version
$ git clone
$ cd blink1/commandline/hidapi
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
libcrul may be isntalled via your package manager (apt, brew, yum, ...)
$ cd build && cmake ..
$ make
+--bin/ Binary folder where nextfloor executable is written
+--build/ Build folder for compile stuffs
+--cmake/ Cmake modules folder
+--config/ Config folder
+--doxy/ Destination folder for documentation generated
+--src/ Sources
+--tmp/ Temporary folder
The folder src/ndeployblink1/blink1/lib is the Blink1 C Api Library duplicated from the blink1 repo
A default setting file is present at config/nextdeploy.conf.default For local config change, we can duplicate this file
$ cp config/nextdeploy.conf.default config/nextdeploy.conf
$ vi config/nextdeploy.conf.default
This file must include your NextDeploy username, password and the hostname of the api.
The program runs in an infinite loop (ctr-c for stop the loop) and check NextDeploy vms status every 20 seconds.
$ ./bin/./ndeployblink1
At each loop, the color of the blink1 device is updated as follows
- Green: all is ok
- Blue: a new vm is currently on setup state
- Orange: one or more vm services are down (details on cmd output)
- Red: one or more Vm are on error state
- Purple: a network, credentials, or json issue with the remote api
For generate doxygen documentation, into the project folder
doxygen doxygen.config