- API and client libraries for the UgCS Ground Control Station.
- UgCS telemetry tool.
Available via the JitPack build:
Build a package.
$ mvn clean package
Go to the output directory containing jars and client.properties
$ cd target/ugcs-java-sdk
Modify the client.properties
if necessary. Make sure the target UgCS server instance is running.
Start a telemetry listener for specified amount of seconds.
$ java -cp .;* com.ugcs.ucs.client.samples.ListenTelemetry <args>
ListenTelemetry -t waitSeconds
Listen to all telemetry, received by the UgCS server
for a specified amount of time in seconds.
ListenTelemetry -t 10
Send a specified command to the vehicle.
$ java -cp .;* com.ugcs.ucs.client.samples.SendCommand <args>
SendCommand -c commandCode [-a commandArgument=value]* vehicleName
List of supported command codes:
* arm
* disarm
* auto
* manual
* guided
* joystick
* takeoff_command
* land_command
* emergency_land
* return_to_home
* mission_pause
* mission_resume
* waypoint (latitude, longitude, altitude_amsl/altitude_agl, altitude_origin,
ground_speed, vertical_speed, acceptance_radius, heading)
* direct_vehicle_control (pitch, roll, yaw, trottle)
For more details on the supported commands and its arguments and expected
vehicle behavior see UgCS User Manual ("Direct Vehicle Control" section).
Also note that this tool support a limited subset of the vehicles commands:
camera and ADS-B commands are not supported, but can be easily implemented
by modifying a sample source.
SendCommand -c arm "EMU-101"
SendCommand -c guided "EMU-101"
SendCommand -c waypoint -a latitude=0.99442 -a longitude=0.42015 -a altitude_agl=100.0 -a ground_speed=5.0 -a vertical_speed=1.0 "EMU-101"
Generate and try to upload a single waypoint mission to the vehicle.
$ java -cp .;* com.ugcs.ucs.client.samples.UploadSingleWaypointRoute <args>
UploadSingleWaypointRoute -w waypoint [-s speed] vehicleName
Waypoint is specified as "lat,lon,alt" string, with respective values
in degrees (latitude and longitude) and AGL meters (altitude). Positive
directions for latitude and longitude are North and East.
UploadSingleWaypointRoute -w "56.9761591,24.0730345,100.0" -s 5.0 "EMU-101"