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gsuitemdm Setup

For these example setup instructions, we will make the following critical assumptions:

  • 3x G Suite domains (,, are G Suite domains under your control and all have mobile devices protected by G Suite MDM
  • We have chosen to be the so-called "master domain", mainly because that is where the ops team mobile device tracking spreadsheet lives

Overview of Setup

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Setup GCP projects
  3. Enable necessary APIs in those projects
  4. Create & download service account JSON credential files for all G Suite domains
  5. Grant API scope permissions to service accounts
  6. Create Secret Manager configuration secrets
  7. Setup Google Sheet template for ops team mobile device tracking spreadsheet
  8. Configure the .yamls
  9. Deploy all the things

Setup Details

0. Clone the gsuitemdm repo

$ git clone`

1. Setup GCP projects

GCP best practices dictate that gsuitemdm requires a project in each G Suite domain that will be configured.

1.1 Setup a GCP project in the 'master' domain for gsuitemdm

Use gcloud to authenticate as an user in the G Suite 'master' domain, create a new project, setup billing:

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud projects create mdm-foo
$ gcloud beta billing accounts list
ACCOUNT_ID            NAME                        OPEN  MASTER_ACCOUNT_ID
000000-111111-222222  Foo Main Billing Account    True
$ gcloud beta billing projects link mdm-foo \
  --billing-account 000000-111111-222222

1.2 Setup GCP projects in other domains

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud projects create mdm-bar
$ gcloud beta billing projects link mdm-bar \
  --billing-account blah-blah-blah

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud projects create mdm-xyzzy
$ gcloud beta billing projects link mdm-xyzzy \
  --billing-account gude-gude-tama

2. Enable necessary APIs in the new projects

Now we need to enable some APIs in the new projects. Note that billing must be properly setup in the projects before attempting to enable APIs, as some APIs will fail to enable if a legit billing account has not been linked to your GCP project.

2.1 Enable APIs in the master project

Since the core components of the gsuitemdm system will run within the mdm-foo GCP project in the 'master domain', this project needs more APIs enabled than other domains/projects. So, we must enable the following APIs: Admin SDK/Directory API, Cloud Functions, Cloud Scheduler, Datastore, Stackdriver Logging, Secret Manager, Sheets:

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud config set project mdm-foo
$ for API in admin cloudfunctions cloudscheduler datastore logging secretmanager sheets
   gcloud services enable ${API}

The remaining domain's GCP projects only require the Admin SDK/Directory API to be enabled:

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud config set project mdm-bar
$ gcloud services enable

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud config set project mdm-xyzzy
$ gcloud services enable

3. Create & download service account JSON credential files for all G Suite domains

Now we must create service accounts within each GCP project in each of our G Suite domains.

3.1 Create the service accounts in each of the configured domains

Unfortunately, there is no gcloud command or API available to automate the following steps, they must be performed via web. Some pseudo-code might help:

foreach DOMAIN in foo bar xyzzy


  • Login to GCP console as user@$
  • Select mdm-$DOMAIN project
  • Configure OAuth Consent Screen at GCP Console --> APIs & Services --> OAuth Consent Screen
    • Type: External, App name: mdm-$DOMAIN, everything else is default, click Save
    • More details available here --> User Consent
  • Create service account at GCP Console --> IAM & Admin --> Service Accounts -- > Create Service Account
    • Account Name: G Suite MDM Service Account, Account ID: gsuitemdm
    • Skip roles in screen 2
    • Create & download JSON key, naming convention: credentials_$
    • More details available here
  • Enable Domain-Wide Delegation at GCP Console --> APIs & Services --> Credentials
    • Edit service account mdm-$DOMAIN and ENABLE G Suite Domain-wide Delegation


Note that it is absolutely essential that Domain-Wide Delegation is enabled for all service accounts!!! If you find that the Domain-Wide Delegation check box is not selectable, just configure & save the OAuth Consent Screen. The Domain-Wide Delegation check box will become selectable after this.

At this point in our example setup, we have the following domains, projects & service accounts:

G Suite Domain GCP Project Service Account Credentials JSON mdm-foo mdm-bar mdm-xyzzy

4. Grant API scope permissions to service accounts

Now that we have created the service accounts, they need to be access to some Google API scopes. Following our example setup, these steps must be performed by a G Suite Super Administrator user in each of the, and domains as per these instructions, starting from the "Then, an administrator of the G Suite domain must complete [...]" section.

Starting with the 'master' domain, within the Admin Console for, the Client ID of the service account must be granted the following scopes:

And within the Admin Console for, the Client ID of the service account must be granted the following scopes:

And finally, within the Admin Console of, the Client ID of the service account must be granted the following scopes:

At this point, our service accounts have been granted the necessary authority to use and query the Admin SDK APIs for their respective G Suite domains, and the service account in the master domain has additionally been granted access to the Sheets API (because the mobile device tracking sheet lives inside Google Drive within the master domain).

5. Create Secret Manager configuration secrets

5.1 Create the per-G Suite service account domain credential secrets

Using the service account JSON credential files you downloaded in step 3.1, create the secrets in the master GCP project:

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud config set project mdm-foo
$ for DOMAIN in foo bar xyzzy
     gcloud secrets create credentials_${DOMAIN} \
     --replication-policy automatic \
     --data-file credentials_${DOMAIN}.com.json

5.2 Create the shared master configuration secret

Also within the master project, use the included gsuitemdm_conf_example.json as a template to create your own master configuration, then create the secret:

$ gcloud config set project mdm-foo
$ gcloud secrets create gsuitemdm_conf \
  --replication-policy automatic \
  --data-file cloudfunctions_conf_new.json

5.3 Create the API key secret

All calls to any gsuitemdm cloud function must be authenticated by sending along the correct API key. Create the API key by use of echo and piping into gcloud and specifying STDIN (-) as the data file:

$ gcloud config set project mdm-foo
$ echo -n "yourapikeygoeshere" | gcloud secrets create gsuitemdm_apikey \
  --replication-policy automatic \

5.4 Create the Slack token secret

When Slack calls the slackdirectory cloud function API, it will send along a token. This token is checked to verify that it was indeed Slack who made the API call. Create the secret for that token using:

$ gcloud config set project mdm-foo
$ echo -n "yourslacktokengoeshere" | gcloud secrets create gsuitemdm_slacktoken \
  --replication-policy automatic \

You can configure the token that Slack sends to slackdirectory when creating/editing your own /phone slash command at Yourslack Admin --> Manage Apps --> Custom --> Slash Commands

At this point, we have the following secrets:

$ gcloud config set project mdm-foo
$ gcloud secrets list 
NAME                           CREATED              REPLICATION_POLICY  LOCATIONS
credentials_bar                2020-01-24T16:09:20  automatic           -
credentials_foo                2020-01-24T16:09:22  automatic           -
credentials_xyzzy              2020-01-24T16:09:23  automatic           -
gsuitemdm_apikey               2020-01-24T22:59:47  automatic           -
gsuitemdm_conf                 2020-01-27T15:08:50  automatic           -
gsuitemdm_slacktoken           2020-01-27T22:25:29  automatic           -

6. Setup Google Sheet template for ops team mobile device tracking spreadsheet

  1. Make a copy of this Google Sheet and save it in Google Drive. Now get the ID of your sheet; this is the part after in the sheet's URL but before /edit. Add that sheet ID to the main JSON configuration file, "sheetid": "yourgooglesheetidgoeshere"
  2. Add the email address of the G Suite user who you wish to update the Google sheet as, to the main JSON configuration file, "sheetwho": ""

7. Configure the .yamls

Copy and modify the FUNCTION_env_example.yaml files in each cloud function folder to create your own FUNCTION_env.yaml files that you will use to deploy the cloud functions.

Be sure to modify the SM_APIKEY_ID and SM_CONFIG_ID entries to point to the IDs of the secrets you created in step 5.

8. Deploy & test all the things

Now that everything is in place, update the script to suit your environment/project/folders/etc, and then run it!

Once all the cloud functions are deployed, you can test using mdmtool or use curl directly.

9. Adding new Domains

To add new G Suite domains to gsuitemdm:

9.1 Add domain-specific credentials as Secret Manager secrets

Assuming your new domain is, add the JSON credentials file for the service account in the MDM project for your new domain into Secret Manager:

$ gcloud secrets create credentials_foobarbaz \
  --replication-policy automatic \

9.2 Modify core gsuitemdm_conf.json and update in Secret Manager

Add the new domain into the domains array in your local copy of the core gsuitemdm configuration file and add it as a new version into Secret Manager:

$ cloud secrets versions add gsuitemdm_conf --data-file gsuitemdm_conf.json

9.3 Add 'accessors' role for secret reading

Add the Secret Manager Secret Accessor role to the master project service account (in the example case,