The supported environment variables are listed below. The WATCHMEN_MQTT_BROKER value must be set at a minimum. These are shown with example values:
The topic format is watchmen\<service-name>\<event-name>
where the event names are:
Event | Description | Payload |
status | Service up/down | 0=Down, 1=Up (integer) |
serviceOk | Service up | latency in ms (integer) |
newOutage | Service just went down | Failure message (string) |
currentOutageMsg | Service still down | Failure message (string) |
currentOutageLength | Service still down | Length of current outage (string) |
failedCheck | Check failed | failure count (integer) |
latencyWarning | Latency threshold exceeded | latency in ms (integer) |
serviceBack | Service back up | Duration of downtime (string) |
ipAddr | Watchmen IP Address (sent at startup only) | Interface Name & IP Address (string) |
watchmen/greghome/Bignion/serviceOk 4130
watchmen/greghome/Bignion/status 1
watchmen/greghome/xyzzy/failedCheck 44
watchmen/greghome/xyzzy/currentOutageMsg Invalid status code. Found: 404. Expected: 200
watchmen/greghome/xyzzy/currentOutageTimestamp 38 minutes ago
Make sure you're first in the Watchmen directory. To install from NPM:
npm install watchmen-plugin-mqtt --save
To install from latest Github:
npm install --save
I'm running Watchmen on a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian. I've written instructions on setting up Watchmen on Raspberry Pi here.