My vcpkg registry. Initially created as an example for this article, but then became an actual registry that I use myself for everyday development.
Although a good portion of the ports here are based on the ports from the Microsoft's registry, it is not my intention to just duplicate stuff from there, and in many cases those ports have certain modifications.
Why would one make one's own ports instead of relying on the Microsoft's registry?
I'd say, in most cases one should probably do exactly that - just use the Microsoft's registry as the main source, at the very least because there is unlikely to be a registry bigger than theirs. And since many projects are using it too, it will be easier to collaborate with them, as you'll be in accordance on dependencies sources and applied patches, file names, paths to public headers and so on.
But having been maintaining projects at my place of work and also personal ones for a while, I eventually discovered that I don't always agree on how patching/building/installation is done in some of the ports in the Microsoft's registry. At the same time, not all of my "disagreements" can be proposed as improvements to their registry, because some of those are specific to my particular needs, so they are likely to be of no use for a broader audience. Hence my own registry, where I can do all sorts of crazy things I might need.
It can be used just like any other vcpkg registry, thanks to Microsoft being very open about the whole thing.
As described in the article, create a dummy project:
├── vcpkg-configuration.json
└── vcpkg.json
(with Microsoft registry as a secondary source):
"kind": "git",
"repository": "",
"baseline": "ebee5c267dd774f06967c6459d0c5ae6e74a5033"
"kind": "git",
"repository": "",
"baseline": "8b04a7bd93bef991818fc372bb83ce00ec1c1c16",
"name": "some",
"name": "curl",
"name": "curl",
"version": "8.1.2"
and then:
$ vcpkg install
A CMake project, as described in the article:
├── src
│ └── ...
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── vcpkg-configuration.json
└── vcpkg.json
(with Microsoft registry as a secondary source):
"kind": "git",
"repository": "",
"baseline": "ebee5c267dd774f06967c6459d0c5ae6e74a5033"
"kind": "git",
"repository": "",
"baseline": "8b04a7bd93bef991818fc372bb83ce00ec1c1c16",
"name": "some",
"name": "curl",
"name": "curl",
"version": "8.1.2"
and then:
$ echo $VCPKG_ROOT
$ cd /path/to/some-project
$ mkdir build && cd $_
$ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$VCPKG_ROOT/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" \
$ cmake --build .
You can use custom triplets from the triplets
folder both with vcpkg tool:
$ vcpkg install \
--overlay-triplets /path/to/vcpkg-registry/triplets \
--triplet decovar-x64-windows-static-md-clang
and with CMake:
$ cd /path/to/some-project
$ mkdir build && cd $_
$ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$VCPKG_ROOT/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" \
-DVCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS="/path/to/vcpkg-registry/triplets" \
-DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="decovar-x64-windows-static-md-clang" \
$ cmake --build .
Checks that declared rev-parse hashes in ports versions match their actual values:
$ cd /path/to/vcpkg-registry
$ ./scripts/
More details here.
Merges vcpkg installation with project installation:
$ cd /path/to/project
$ python /path/to/vcpkg-registry/scripts/ \
--cmake-preset vcpkg-default-triplet \
--vcpkg-triplet arm64-osx \
--blacklist "vcpkg-cmake,json-nlohmann"
More details here.
Downloading/uploading vcpkg assets (required build tools) from/to a remote cache of HTTP type (such as JFrog Artifactory).
More details here.
To print a list of license-based ToDos:
$ cd /path/to/vcpkg-registry
$ python ./scripts/
[INFO] Ports that require publishing patches (total 1): datachannel
- ready to use, tested ports;experimental
- drafts, scraps and experiments, ports from this branch are not done and are unlikely to work.
Some ports in this registry aren't "normal" ports, meaning that they are not libraries or tools that are meant to be used in other projects. Instead they are rather build recipes for standalone things such as applications or games. That is probably not something vcpkg was designed to be used for, but who can stop me.
The building procedure for those ports is the same.
One example of such a port is the reSL game. Here's what you'd need to have in your vcpkg.json
for installing it:
And then, with Mac OS as an example, you can build and install it either with statically linked dependencies:
$ vcpkg install --triplet arm64-osx
or with dynamically linked dependencies:
$ vcpkg install --triplet arm64-osx-dynamic
The game will be deployed to /path/to/this/dummy/vcpkg_installed/TRIPLET-NAME-HERE/bin/reSL/
, which you can then copy anywhere you want and launch it from there.