The Restboard core module
First of all, you need to install the package in your project:
npm i --save rb-core-module
Now, you can start to define and use your resources:
import { createResource } from 'rb-core-module'
// Create a new resource
const users = createResource({
name: 'users',
provider: ..., // The data provider used to query the API
// Resources can then be used to interact with the remote API:
const me = await users.getOne(1)
is a base class used to implement a proxy to interact with a remote API resource.
Name | Description | Default |
name |
The unique resource name (e.g. users ) |
provider |
The data provider used to interact with the API | |
key |
The identifier attribute name | id |
path |
The resource base path (if different than name ) |
name |
label |
A human-readable description label for the resource | capitalized name |
displayAttr |
The attr used as representation of a single resource instance | key |
stringify |
A function used to get a human-readable reperesentation of a single resource instance | instance => instance[resource.displayAttr] |
schema |
The JSON schema representing the strcuture of resource instances | undefined |
updateSchema |
The JSON schema used on update | schema |
createSchema |
The JSON schema used on creation | schema |
defaultParams |
Default params passed to the data provider when fetching the API (e.g. default filters) | {} |
isKeyEditable |
If true , allows editing the key of an instance |
false |
actions |
A map of actions executable on a single resource instance | {} |
listeners |
A list of callbacks to be called when the resource is marked as dirty | [] |
methods |
A dictionary of extra methods to extend the default resource API | {} |
ui |
An object containing UI-specific options and methods. A special formComponent key will be used to assign default form components for creation (ui.createFormComponent ) and update (ui.updateFormComponent ) if none are specified |
{} |
Signature | Description |
getKey(instance) |
Retrieve the primary key of the given resource instance |
stringify(instance) |
Render a string representation of the given resource instance |
getOne(key, params) |
Retrieve a single resource instance, identified by key and (optional) params |
getMany(params) |
Retrieve a list of resource instances according to the given (optional) params |
createOne(data, params) |
Insert a single resource instance with the given data and identified by (optional) params |
updateOne(key, data, params) |
Update a single resource instance, identified by key and (optional) params , with the given data |
updateMany(data, params) |
Update multiple resource instances according to data and (optional) params |
deleteOne(key, params) |
Delete a single resource instance identified by key and (optional) params |
deleteMany(keys, params) |
Delete multiple resource instances identified by the keys array and (optional) params |
getRelation(key, name, opts) |
Return the related resource identified by name , scoped to the instance identified by key . For opts see Relation options |
getActions() |
Return a dictionary of resource actions, where each action is bound to the resource |
setDirty() |
Set the resource lastUpdate with the current timestamp and notify registered listeners |
addListener(callback) |
Register a new listener callback |
removeListener(callback) |
Unregister a previously registered listener callback |
mergeParams(params) |
Merge given params with resource default ones |
Name | Description | Default |
notifyParentOnDirty |
If true mark also the parent resource as dirty on change |
true |
is a generic interface used by resources to interact with a
third-party API using the correct protocol and dialect.
Signature | Description |
getOne(resourcePath, key, params) |
See RbResource |
getMany(resourcePath, params) |
See RbResource |
createOne(resourcePath, data, params) |
See RbResource |
updateOne(resourcePath, key, data, params) |
See RbResource |
updateMany(resourcePath, data, params) |
See RbResource |
deleteOne(resourcePath, key, params) |
See RbResource |
deleteMany(resourcePath, keys, params) |
See RbResource |
is a generic interface used to perform authentication and
authorization over a third-party API, abstracting the details of underlying
Signature | Description |
login(credentials) |
Attempt to log the user identified by the given credentials |
logout() |
Terminate the current authenticated session |
recoverCredentials(challenge) |
Attempt to recover user credentials providing a valid challenge response |
activateOrResetCredentials(payload) |
Activate or reset existing user credentials |
checkAuth() |
Check if the current authenticated session is still valid |
getIdentity(user) |
Given a user , retrieve its textual representation |
getTenantIdentity(user) |
Given a user , retireve its tenant identity |
can(user, action, subject) |
Check if the given user can perform action on the subject |
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run tests
npm test
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Copyright (c) Emanuele Bertoldi