A Chrome extension with tools and improvements for Hyperiums 7 (unofficial)
- Make URLs and e-mail addresses clickable
- Live ticks at the bottom of each page
- Link to player search in system messages
- Highlight names of contacts in system messages
- AvgP for leaving fleet messages
- Planet statistics on Controlled planets page
- Influence value on Controlled planets page
- Preview of Space AvgP, Build Costs, Upkeep Costs and Time for Build on Military Build Center
- Accumulate Ground AvgP when grouping moving fleets by destination
- Show incoming fleets on overview of own and foreign planets
- "Merge All" and "Load All" buttons on planet's military page
- Auto Complete for planet names in fleet movement forms
- Search for planet name if no fleet around planet
- Information about deployed fleets
- Coordinates for moving fleets
- Button to drop/enable stasis on military page
- Overview of Army Capacity, Carried Armies and Ground Armies on military page
- Overview of Space and Ground AvgP by N/A
- One input for all planets in Global exploitations manager
- Population size for each planet in Global exploitations manager
- Link to spy report for captive planets on cash page
- Upkeep in relation to Total Income on cash page
- Total gross income
- Total income from exploitations and captive planets
- Total upkeep for trading relations, factories, infiltrations and counter-infiltrations
- Try to format tables in forum messages
- Buttons for <b>, <i>, <pre>, [*FL=] and [*BR=] for personal messages and forum messages
- Auto Complete for contacts and planet names in send message forms
- Link to go to last page of thread
- Average Space AvgP and Ground AvgP for Battle Reports
- Count and display number of backup buddy logins
- Link to forum on "last 20 messages" page (for alliances)
- Planet/Tag statistics on Map/Trading page and Political Maps
- Map on trading map page
- Link to planet history (Beka's tools) on trading map page
- Link to player history (Beka's tools) on ranking page
- Simple Fleet Calculator (Accessible via Military menu in game)
- Notifications and text-to-speech for ticks, battle reports, planet events, personal messages and forum messages
- Login via browser action button
- (optional) Send session information to external website
Go to the Chrome Web Store and install the extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mnbakcpkbpcafjdbejdlmkmcknheihbk
- Hyperiums Userscripts by Nasga
You can contact the original author in game via personal message to natalie_g. There is also a contact link in the extension.
This chrome extension is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for full details.