#GS scripts for hyperiums
This repository contains multiple userscripts for Hyperiums (http://www.hyperiums.com)
To use these scripts, you should use :
- Firefox with Greasemonkey extension.
- Safari with NinjaKit extension.
- Chrome with Tampermonkey extension.
Shows a summary + Average of the GAs generation on the bottom of the Factories page
install link: Armies generation
##Forum 'highlighting' / track read/unread messages Shows which forum threads have new posts.
Usage: Just use the forum like normal and the script keeps track of all shown/visible posts. On the thread overview pages all thread with new messages (not viewed yet) will be shown in italic font.
install link: Forum Highlighting
Shows a link to the last page of a thread in the forum thread overview page. Shows a <<<<, a >>>> and a >ao> button on the forum thread overview page.
- Click the => link behind the thread to go to the last page of the thread.
- The <<<< shows the thread overview page of the previous forum (according to the menu)
- The >>>> shows the thread overview page of the next forum (according to the menu)
- The >ao> shows the thread overview page of the next forum, alliances only (no HD etc)
install link: Forum enhancement
##Map trading Create a trading map of the default trading table.
Usage: click on button 'Transform into map' on the Trading page
Shows population sum,avg,min,max + growth on the controlled planet page.
install link: Population avg/sum
##Server ticks Shows a live countdown of the Hyperiums Ticks on the bottom of the Hyperiums pages.
##Upkeep Percentage Shows the percentage of the fleet upkeep on the Income statement page.
install link: Upkeep percentage
Thoses userscripts are under the New BSD License (BSD-3-Clause). Please, see